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Elvis impersonator sets world record

Category:Weird & Strange
Type:world record
guinness record
Date:26 1, 2008
Record Holder:Suresh Joachim
Tags:Elvis, Presley, Whole, Lotta, Shakin

There was a “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On” as professional world record breaker Suresh Joachim successfully set a record of 55 hours for longest non-stop Elvis impersonation. He beat an already existing record of 43 hours and 11 minutes.

Joachim sang a total of 41 songs over and over again during the record-breaking attempt - the only Elvis songs that he had learnt in preparation for the event.


Poster: WDHIII
Hits: 4610


  1. by avatar kitty
    Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:48 pm
    long live The King!

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