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Most Successful Internet Trade

Category:Modern Society
Type:guinness record
Date:12 7, 2005
Record Holder:Kyle MacDonald
Tags:Kyle, MacDonald, Red, Paperclip, House, Saskatchewan

Ever had an amazing trade which you can't believe happen? Some folks swear by E-bay, some bargain hunt on Amazon. Some sell a single red paperclip for an entire house in Saskatchewan.

Kyle MacDonald began a blog called OneRedPaperClip, where he documented a series of trades, 14 in all, which would lead him to his proposed end result of getting a house. Lo' and behold, Kyle would later be handed the keys to his own house in Saskatchewan.

After this amazing success, Guiness announced that he was in their record book for the Most Successful Trade on the Internet, a record which has not been bested since, although it has spawned a series of offshoot attempts and other ways to try and win records via the internet.

To see the full story, check out his blog here:

Since then, Kyle has gone on to attempt stand up comedy.


Poster: Khar
Hits: 5214


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