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Heaviest Aircraft Pulled

Category:Weird & Strange
Type:guinness record
Date:17 9, 2009
Record Holder:Reverend Kevin Fast
Tags:Reverend, Kevin, Fast, Strongman, Globemaster, CC-117, Canadian, Armed, Forces, Plane, Dragged, Troop, Transport, Meters, Five, Eight, Point

Kevin Fast has broken 9 world records in his time as a strongman out of Cobourg, Ontario, but arguably his most impressive was when he dragged a 416,299 pound troop transport aircraft, weighed down with fuel, edging out the previous record holder, Australian David Huxley, who dragged 412,000 pounds of aircraft in 2007.

The man, who thought the plane was not even moving, was encouraged to keep going by his son. He contemplated quitting three times during the one minute and sixteen minutes it took him to move the plane five meters down the tarmac, the same distance the previous record holder had completed, which he not only met and surpassed by going to 8.8 meters in that time frame. Fast was the first of several to have managed to beat the record set previously by Huxley.

CFB Trenton Wing Commander Colonel Russ Williams of the Canadian forces provided the CC-117 Globemaster for Fast's attempt, after Fast himself spent two months specifically training for the attempt. Still unable to look the at the plane straight on, this famous Lutheran preacher and strongman, although saying he is getting old and feeble, is already looking down the line for his next attempt.


Poster: Khar
Hits: 6812


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