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First basketball game

Date:21 12, 1891
Record Holder:Dr. James Naismith
Tags:Sports, first

On December 21, 1891, Naismith posted 13 rules to the game on the school's bulletin board and nailed two peach baskets to the gym balconies. The first game ended with a score of 1-0, a far cry from the NBA scores of today. But as classes played it, the game became more and more popular, though not with the janitor who had to climb a ladder to retrieve each successful shot. Soon, other schools and colleges were playing the game. But what were they to call it? With his characteristic modesty, the inventor declined the name of "Naismith Ball," preferring the simple title of "Basketball." Naismith succeeded in his aim of creating a sport for everyone, a game that stresses skill over strength, speed over power. Today basketball is played by men, women and children all over the world. The same sport that is played in $200 spring-loaded shoes is also played in wheelchairs. Dr. Naismith's invention has become one of the most popular games in the world.

Source: Historica -

Poster: Hyack
Hits: 6799


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