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Time To Start Thinking HAPPY Thoughts

Posted on Tuesday, April 01 at 15:41 by RoyalHighlander

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I feel that things have some what gotten Out of hand here with the war and all that is going on in the world. I would like to suggest that we refrain from getting into heated arguments about who is right and who is wrong. I think right now we should sit back and chill for a bit. I can see that some of the posts here have bordered on big time Flame Fests. I am not censuring any one in particular but every one as a whole. Lets get back to� the better things we can discuss about Canada or our hobbies etc. Im sure there are many of us that are getting tired of the same old BS. I know i've started some silly threads myself (The French one comes to mind), but that was before the shit hit the fan. I would like to see the tone dropped down a notch or two for a while...

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