Canadaka Canadaka:
The forums have become a very unfriendly and antagonistic place. It's rare that political issues and ideas are discussed or debated without name calling, personal attacks, slanderous statements or in good faith. In other words, the forums are now not a fun place to talk and share ideas without being called a pedophile or told to "Go Fuck Yourself". This is all going to stop now!
From this time forward and until the forums get back to a reasonable place for all members to enjoy, there will be NO warnings issued for such behaviour, this is the only warning that will be given. This type of behaviour will simply result in a short term ban or up to a permanent banning depending on the members history of behaviour and the severity of said behaviour. The length of membership will have NO bearing on any decision that results in either temporary or permanent banning.
Our forums will be a place that all can enjoy, share thoughts and ideas, an discuss all issues in a reasonable manner without having to put up with nothing but personal attacks every time they post something.
It seems every year or so things start to get out of hand and the hammer has to come down like this. I really hate to ban anyone especial members who have been here for some time. But the interest of the forum takes first seat and I know from comments sent to me and mods that a lot of the behaviour of late turns more people away from posting than the posting actively that would be lost from banning some long time members. So let that be a warning to those that like to walk the line.
I am working on a public Moderator log which will display mod actions such as warnings, bans and such. In an effort to make the moderating a little more transparent.

I love a spirited debate, but I have to agree it's far nastier of late than usual. Congrats for being willing to make the tough choices to keep this a place we all want to visit.