Dear Kingdom of Canada,
I have with anoitation and ordainment from God in the name of Canada and its Dominions have established the Kingdom of Canada.
Our Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses as a Theocratical Hierarchy of God. It was established in the name of God to preserve the fundamental law of God and beliefs that all man shall succeed this life and the next into Paradise. A Witness is the life with God in hierarchy ruled by Holy King with God as deity. Our Paradise is a part of our beliefs that a Witness is a relative part of God in hierarchy into succession of life in Paradise that is granted through resurrection by God. Our Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses is a living Kingdom of God in his hierarchy and is the sovereign religion of the law of God in our beliefs that all mankind survives.
There are only three titles given to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses anoited by God and such are Junior, Elder and Laity that serve as Principality for the Kingdom Hall. Titles of the Kingdom Room of Jehovah's Mates include Prophet, Seer and Revelator.
Kingdom of Canada
Kingdom House of Jehovah
Kingdom Room of Jehovah's Mates
Kingdom Chamber of Jehovah's People
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
Kingdom of Canada
King Jehovah Hohenzollern