1 In vancouver how hard would it be to get drinks at a bar if your 18?
Legal drinking age is 19 and you WILL be carded.
2 If that isnt very easy ... what parts of Alberta (or other places where drinking age is 1 would you recomend ?
Since the age is 18, go anywhere you feel like.
3 and would it be smart to not even mention the fact were americans? Im from california , and if youve never been there, for the most part we are totally unlike the rest of the country.
people are not as crazy, fat, ignorant, lazy, judgemental, etc... as the rest of the country. But im still afraid we will end up lumped together with all the other stupid americans.
You'll be in Alberta where they love Americans from any grain.
Also, not too many Canadians possess hatred of America and Americans, merely apprhension.