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CKA Super Elite
CKA Super Elite
 Montreal Canadiens

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Posts: 6584
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:20 pm

So, it looks like it was more talk than real action. The media gave incredible attention to some hardcore separatists, like usual. But the reality is that they are just a bunch of no-life totally outnumbered by real people:

Given a chance, Quebecers show Royals some love

Graeme Hamilton Jul 3, 2011 – 6:58 PM ET

QUEBEC CITY — As they set sail from Montreal Saturday night, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge could have been forgiven for thinking they were escaping a madhouse. Their first stop, a visit to children suffering from cancer, had been disrupted by noisy separatist protesters banging on pots, piercing the air with whistles and calling William a war criminal. Later at a cooking school, they made a swift entrance to skirt a similar protest. They appeared unsettled.

On Sunday, however, as the HMCS Montreal carrying William and Kate from Montreal docked in Quebec City’s old port, the tide turned. It began with a welcome from Konrad Sioui, grand chief of the Quebec Huron, who was happy to talk treaties with William and exchange thoughts on hats with Kate.

“We were just saying to him that this relationship has to be a lasting relationship,” Mr. Sioui said after presenting William with a framed copy of a 1760 treaty between his people and the British Crown. “We are so happy see you here. You represent what is the essence of Canada.” Mr. Sioui expressed the hope that “as long as the rivers flow” he and William will continue to live as brothers and noted that Kate was taken with his traditional Huron headpiece. “She wanted to find out about my hat,” he said. “This is the traditional hat of the Huron Indians. She wanted to know with what kind of feathers it is made. They are wild turkey and eagle.”

Next, at a downtown centre for street kids, the Royals were at ease conversing with the youth, admiring their juggling skill and magic tricks. Kate exchanged a high-five with one budding magician, and William took up a challenge to play table soccer with a juggler, who goes by the initials P.A. Afterwards, P.A. who had been non-commital before the couple arrived, admitted to being impressed by William. “He’s like anyone else. Of course he’s royalty, always surrounded by people,” he said. “But he seems close to people. He seemed like a normal guy. He seemed interested in what I was doing.”

At city hall, William delivered brief remarks in French, lauding the “beauty and history” of the city and the “remarkable pride and joie de vivre” of Quebecers. Then he and his bride went on their first walkabout in the province, instantly charming the crowd lining metal barricades. Anne-Marie D’Amours said she could hardly believe her ears when the stylish Kate told her, “You look elegant,” as she shook her hand. “I watched the wedding on TV,” Ms. D’Amours said. “I thought it was a Cinderella story.”

Claudette Courchesne, who came out with her husband Éric Soulard and their four-year-old daughter, Émilie, said William greeted her with a “Bonjour” as he shook her hand. “We told them we were very happy to see them here,” she said. “They make a beautiful couple. I think it is going to raise the profile of the monarchy here.”

A block-and-a-half away, protesters intent on bringing down the monarchy saw their efforts fizzle. They were kept far from the view of the Royal couple, their profane signs invisible and their chants barely audible. William would have had to strain to see the “Vive le Québec libre” banner trailing behind a plane, high above the city. It may have been a stretch when Premier Jean Charest declared that “all Quebecers” were honoured to be able to welcome Kate and William, but the hard-core opponents were clearly a minority.

The love continued at the couple’s final event before flying off to Prince Edward Island. A crowd of roughly 1,000 people strained for handshakes, photos or just a clear view of the Duke and Duchess as they conducted a second walkabout inside the Fort de Lévis, across the river from Quebec City.

Virginie Guirard, 16, held a sign reading “Thank you for coming to Lévis,” and her sister, Chrystel, 18, waved a fleur-de-lys with “Welcome” written in the middle. Their mother, Marine Maillochaud, said it was important to counter the message of the protesters, which she said had made Quebec look bad. “They should leave him alone,” she said of the 29-year-old prince. “It’s a constitutional monarchy, not an authoritarian one.”

Sixteen-year-old Roxanne Binet-Robert was delighted to shake Kate’s hand. “I think she’s a great model for us,” she said. “She’s not from the same class as William. It’s as if anyone could become a princess.” Just as tickled was federal Veterans Affairs Minister Steven Blaney, who was at the Duchess’s shoulder throughout her walkabout. “To see people’s infatuation, I experienced something truly extraordinary,” he said afterward. “I’m a little speechless. … This was something extraordinary here today, dare I say the pinnacle.”

It was the sort of welcome that the Royals received in Ottawa, and that they are likely to get for the rest of their Canadian trip. And it raises the question whether better organization might have avoided the unpleasantness in Montreal. Sizable crowds of admirer showed up in Montreal hoping to see the couple, even though nothing public was on their itinerary. Instead of seeming to duck from some fringe protesters, the Royals should have been given a chance to mingle with their fans and discover where Quebecers’ sentiments truly lie. If the event in Lévis is any indication, it is not that far removed from the excitement felt elsewhere in Canada. ... some-love/

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 42160
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:44 pm

In other news, a male cyclist in his 50s, wearing only a bonsai maple leaf, was apprehended by police as he tried to approach the Duchess. "I ownly(sic) wanted to show 'er some loves...and I likes dem skinny...heh-heh heh" was his only statement to police.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs
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Posts: 14139
PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:46 am


CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Montreal Canadiens
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Posts: 35270
PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:29 pm

I think I know that guy. 8)

...for the record, I only found out they were coming to Québec City after the fact.

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