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Posts: 15681
Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 5:06 am
Posts: 5233
Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:37 am
EyeBrock EyeBrock: Yawn. Indeed. This whole wanting to be able to trust our police forces is boring.
Posts: 15681
Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 8:32 am
Unsound Unsound: EyeBrock EyeBrock: Yawn. Indeed. This whole wanting to be able to trust our police forces is boring. If you believe the media, all 160,000 cops in Canada are corrupt crimimal thugs. If you look at the stats, the cases the media drag up represent less than 0.1 % of Canadian police. Some people just see the police as the enemy. Debating, using logic and fact are a waste of time. Some people will hate the police regardless. When you present a credible point instead of posting rhetoric and recycled media half-truths, then maybe I won't be bored.
Posts: 5233
Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 8:42 am
Please find me a media story that says all cops are corrupt. Or even one that says most. Hell, one story that says a sizeable majority even.
Would you prefer if the media left it to the police to expose and puinish the wrong-doers in their midst? Do you think that would work? Or do think that maybe one of the reasons the vast majority of our police are worthy of trust and respect is because of the scrutiny they get?
Posts: 15681
Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:16 am
I don't know what your point is Unsound. The police are probably held to a higher level of accountability than any other group in Canada. Show me another group that gets as much scrutiny.
Each province has a legislative act that controls their actions, plus the criminal code that covers all Canadians. Personally we are all getting tired of people like you who don't even know of the multiple levels of oversight and second guessing that is in place and has been for years, plus the media witch-hunts that are so popular with your ilk.
What point are you actually trying to make? Let me know when you make one.
CKA Uber
Posts: 33492
Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:39 am
That scrutiny of the police is a good thing. Pretty simple concept really, don't see how anyone can argue against it. Police have far more power than the average citizen. With that should come more scrutiny. Kinda like politicians.
Posts: 5233
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 5:48 pm
My point Eyebrock, is that a lot of people have lost faith in our police. Not just the RCMP but municipal forces all over the country. That's a fact. But it seems that the brass, and people like yourself, would rather chalk it up to the media, or to "leftist cop haters" or some such thing rather than admit there's a problem and do something about it.
Of course the police are held to a higher standard. That's the idea. You're supposed to be an example of the kind of behaviour you're here to enforce. If that's too high a standard for some, they shouldn't be police. It's pretty simple. If you can't obey the laws, you shouldn't get a gun and the power to enforce them. The vast majority of police in this country meet those standards with ease. Where it all seems to fall apart is in getting rid of the few who don't.
Posts: 23082
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:32 pm
Unsound Unsound: My point Eyebrock, is that a lot of people have lost faith in our police. Not just the RCMP but municipal forces all over the country. That's a fact. But it seems that the brass, and people like yourself, would rather chalk it up to the media, or to "leftist cop haters" or some such thing rather than admit there's a problem and do something about it.
Of course the police are held to a higher standard. That's the idea. You're supposed to be an example of the kind of behaviour you're here to enforce. If that's too high a standard for some, they shouldn't be police. It's pretty simple. If you can't obey the laws, you shouldn't get a gun and the power to enforce them. The vast majority of police in this country meet those standards with ease. Where it all seems to fall apart is in getting rid of the few who don't.  Some good points! I think for most, cops are their own worst enemy in this regard. If they got rid of the thin blue line and let the bad cops get kicked out instead of protecting them with a wall of silence, I think impressions would do a 180 in about 30 seconds. But by hiding behind it, it makes them all look bad/dirty/corrupt - sadly, most cops seem to understand 'guilt by association' EXCEPT when it comes to themselves...
Posts: 2372
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:14 pm
EyeBrock EyeBrock: When you present a credible point instead of posting rhetoric and recycled media half-truths, then maybe I won't be bored.
I've found a pretty serious point .jpg) Besides that, how about this, if you don't trust the cops then when someone is busting into your front door to home invade you or fondling your kid in the playground, call the Fire Department.
Posts: 2372
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:31 pm
GRUMPY1 GRUMPY1: ... times have changed,people do not take the word of a police officer as absolute truth.......and when disciplinary actions Revolving around criminal activity is a 10 days unpaid suspension and a small demotion not to mention transfer to beautiful British Columbia.........People lose faith.
I'm not sure anyone, including EB, is disputing that point. The RCMP is still in the dark ages when it comes to a lot of things. Municipal forces are getting better, for example, at least under the past Ottawa Police Chief, OPS made it a point to publish a press release whenever there was wrong doing that resulted in an internal investigation. When I moved out there at first I thought the OPS had a real problem, until I realized they were just more open. Here in Winnipeg on the other hand the public only hears what actually hits the courts. Cops do get fired, maybe not as much as they should in some cases. Cop gets a speeding ticket off duty(alright lets say for kicks it happens)then no, he should not be fire. He plants evidence or clearly, without doubt, assaults a compliant witness or suspect then he should go, no second chance. Lets not pretend cops never get fired or go to jail either while we are at it. I have a former RCMP officer and former Correctional Officer locked up in my jail and they did not even have to kill anyone to get there.
Posts: 15681
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:49 pm
Unsound Unsound: My point Eyebrock, is that a lot of people have lost faith in our police. Not just the RCMP but municipal forces all over the country. That's a fact. But it seems that the brass, and people like yourself, would rather chalk it up to the media, or to "leftist cop haters" or some such thing rather than admit there's a problem and do something about it.
Of course the police are held to a higher standard. That's the idea. You're supposed to be an example of the kind of behaviour you're here to enforce. If that's too high a standard for some, they shouldn't be police. It's pretty simple. If you can't obey the laws, you shouldn't get a gun and the power to enforce them. The vast majority of police in this country meet those standards with ease. Where it all seems to fall apart is in getting rid of the few who don't. Again, you tar all police with the same brush. I've been pretty consistent in saying cops who break the law should be charged, locked up and fired. Check my history. Show me where I say otherwise. On this particular instance the RCMP are following the RCMP Act. Legislation brought in by Parliament, not the RCMP. What else would you have them do? You dismiss the 160,000 decent Canadians who are doing a good job by jumping on this bandwagon. On the media, they have the police in their sights. It plays well to the unsophisticated mob. All you have added is rhetoric devoid of anything but pointing the finger at a few criminals in uniform. The police are more accountable than ever and rightly so. What has changed is the press attitude since the G20. The press seem to dictate what many of the masses think. It's pretty easy to hate the guys that hand out speeding tickets isn't it? I actually thought you considered facts in your posts, in this case it would appear not.
Posts: 5233
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:10 am
EyeBrock EyeBrock: Unsound Unsound: My point Eyebrock, is that a lot of people have lost faith in our police. Not just the RCMP but municipal forces all over the country. That's a fact. But it seems that the brass, and people like yourself, would rather chalk it up to the media, or to "leftist cop haters" or some such thing rather than admit there's a problem and do something about it.
Of course the police are held to a higher standard. That's the idea. You're supposed to be an example of the kind of behaviour you're here to enforce. If that's too high a standard for some, they shouldn't be police. It's pretty simple. If you can't obey the laws, you shouldn't get a gun and the power to enforce them. The vast majority of police in this country meet those standards with ease. Where it all seems to fall apart is in getting rid of the few who don't. Again, you tar all police with the same brush. I've been pretty consistent in saying cops who break the law should be charged, locked up and fired. Check my history. Show me where I say otherwise. On this particular instance the RCMP are following the RCMP Act. Legislation brought in by Parliament, not the RCMP. What else would you have them do? You dismiss the 160,000 decent Canadians who are doing a good job by jumping on this bandwagon. On the media, they have the police in their sights. It plays well to the unsophisticated mob. All you have added is rhetoric devoid of anything but pointing the finger at a few criminals in uniform. The police are more accountable than ever and rightly so. What has changed is the press attitude since the G20. The press seem to dictate what many of the masses think. It's pretty easy to hate the guys that hand out speeding tickets isn't it? I actually thought you considered facts in your posts, in this case it would appear not. Contrast and compare the bolded please.
Posts: 6932
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:38 am
I saw 2 RCMP changing a flat tire for a young mother yesterday, she stopped in a bad place with a van full of kids. I suppose they could have had her towed, but they positioned their cars to make it safe, activated the lights, got down on there knees and proceed to get their hands dirty instead. ![Drink up [B-o]](./images/smilies/drinkup.gif)
Posts: 23565
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:53 pm
Alta_redneck Alta_redneck: I saw 2 RCMP changing a flat tire for a young mother yesterday, she stopped in a bad place with a van full of kids. I suppose they could have had her towed, but they positioned their cars to make it safe, activated the lights, got down on there knees and proceed to get their hands dirty instead. ![Drink up [B-o]](./images/smilies/drinkup.gif) That won't likely make the news. Not sexy enough.
Posts: 23082
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:08 pm
Gunnair Gunnair: Alta_redneck Alta_redneck: I saw 2 RCMP changing a flat tire for a young mother yesterday, she stopped in a bad place with a van full of kids. I suppose they could have had her towed, but they positioned their cars to make it safe, activated the lights, got down on there knees and proceed to get their hands dirty instead. ![Drink up [B-o]](./images/smilies/drinkup.gif) That won't likely make the news. Not sexy enough. True, but if AR had snapped a pic - it probably would have done a few rounds on social media - which these days is probably bigger than MSM in many ways.
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