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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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Posts: 15244
PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 10:44 am

Canada Today: A Showcase of Journalism by The New York Times

June 16, 2017

It’s safe to assume that readers of this newsletter know that The New York Times covers Canada. But practically every week someone I’m interviewing expresses surprise that The Times is even interested in the country.

The idea that one’s own country is of little fascination to the rest of the world is something very Canadian. (The source of that is a subject too complex for analysis here.) But the opposite is true: The Times (and the world) is very interested in Canada and the current global political climate has only increased the number of eyes on the country.

Canada is The Times’s largest source of both readers and subscribers outside of the United States. Clearly you come for the range and depth of our news report, along with offerings like recipes, arts reviews, opinion pieces and fashion analysis. And I know from your emails that you also appreciate seeing yourselves reflected in the articles.

This relationship, between Canadian readers and The Times, will be on heightened display over the next two weeks as Canada approaches the 150th anniversary of confederation. We’ll be rolling out special stories, visual features and reader contributions. Let’s call it a showcase of journalism by The Times about, and relevant to, Canada... ... 93516&te=1

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