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CKA Super Elite
CKA Super Elite
 Edmonton Oilers
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Posts: 5233
PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:14 am ... -education

Still don't know how to post news stories, or in this case opinion, so hopefully the link works.

Basically... Wow. This is the second or third time I've read a Micheal Coren peice that just blew me away. The guy is turning into a really good example of a great Christian and Catholic imo.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
 Vancouver Canucks

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Posts: 65472
PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:08 am

Catholic schools should not receive government funding but if they do then they should be made to adhere to government standards of conduct and if that means they have to be gay tolerant then so be it.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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Posts: 33492
PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:34 am

I believe BC does what the writer recommends. Parents sending their kids to private schools get a tax break or refund of some sort. So Muslim schools, Jewish schools, any private school are subsidized. These leftover Catholic separate systems need to be abolished. In Ontario they even have a Catholic children's aid system. Not sure how it works, but it sounds nuts.

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