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CKA Elite
CKA Elite
 Los Angeles Kings
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Posts: 4661
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:00 pm

Yep, there are now a few dozen CBC emojis, for when you want to use a caricature of Peter Mansbridge to say that bae needs to come over for Arctic Air and Chill.

CBC%20Emoji%20Keyboard%20(full)[1].jpg [ 488.87 KiB | Viewed 234 times ]
CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 14747
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:16 pm

Good to see the taxpayers dollars being spent so wisely. I wonder why they waited till after JT was elected. ROTFL

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:40 pm

I don't use this term too often but it applies when I say these things seem so gay. :|

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Montreal Canadiens
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 4:18 pm

Never used an emoji... never will.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 33561
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 4:42 pm

Here's the emoticon I believe should be most closely associated with the tone, tenor, and participants in the CBC website comments section. I give you the wit and wisdom and pop culture cache of goatse pancake bunny!


Take a good look (and whiff) CBC'ers, because this one fits you to a fucking T. :twisted:

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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Posts: 26145
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 4:50 pm

I went looking for this one, because I was going to put CBC's name on it for a joke.

Turns out I don't have to.

They admit it. [huh]

CBC pile of poo emoji.!/f ... -emoji.jpg

Well either CBC admits it, or somebody got there before me.

Here's a mini version for Neil MacDonald to sign off on his "analysis".


Last edited by N_Fiddledog on Tue Nov 10, 2015 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 33561
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 4:55 pm

I'd put on a latex glove, and wash my hands thoroughly afterwards, and shake the hand of whichever hacker manages to take that emo and turn it into the masthead logo for all of That kind of audacious blow against the enemy deserves nothing less than thorough congratulations.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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Posts: 15244
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:35 pm

Relax guys it's just advertising. Personally I don't think I need emojis of the Murdoch Mysteries characters ...unless they make one for the character Harper played in that cameo. That one would come in handy!

Edit: o wait I see they did make one, it's in NF's post! Haha.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 33561
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:42 pm

Odd that they couldn't do one of Don Cherry given how overwhelmingly popular he still is. But I can see that setting off too many trigger warnings because of all of Don's blatant micro- and macro-aggressions that upset the sensitives far too often. :roll:

If they're going to go back as far as Kids In The Hall they could have at least done one of Buddy Cole. :?

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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Posts: 15244
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:49 pm

Thanos Thanos:
Odd that they couldn't do one of Don Cherry given how overwhelmingly popular he still is. But I can see that setting off too many trigger warnings because of all of Don's blatant micro- and macro-aggressions that upset the sensitives far too often. :roll:

Moral of the story: act like a prick and make special effort to tell the world that "youdon't care what people think" at every opportunity, then those same people aren't going to go out of their way to honour you, especially once you're no longer useful.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:51 pm

What, no Jian choking a co worker????

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 33561
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:53 pm

BeaverFever BeaverFever:
Thanos Thanos:
Odd that they couldn't do one of Don Cherry given how overwhelmingly popular he still is. But I can see that setting off too many trigger warnings because of all of Don's blatant micro- and macro-aggressions that upset the sensitives far too often. :roll:

Moral of the story: act like a prick and make special effort to tell the world that "youdon't care what people think" at every opportunity, then those same people aren't going to go out of their way to honour you, especially once you're no longer useful.

I suppose they actually covered the "I don't care what people think" category quite effectively with the emo of Saint Suzuki. :roll:

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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Posts: 15244
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:56 pm

Suzuki is hardly the left's Don Cherry. Plus, he's still useful.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 23082
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:57 pm

Freakinoldguy Freakinoldguy:
Good to see the taxpayers dollars being spent so wisely.

To old farts like you and I, it seems like a waste of money, but if you want most young kids to pay attention to anything these days, you need stupid crap like this.

CKA Elite
CKA Elite
 Los Angeles Kings
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Posts: 4661
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:16 pm

bootlegga bootlegga:
Freakinoldguy Freakinoldguy:
Good to see the taxpayers dollars being spent so wisely.

To old farts like you and I, it seems like a waste of money, but if you want most young kids to pay attention to anything these days, you need stupid crap like this.

If the CBC wanted the youths to pay attention, they could try producing good television.

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