raydan raydan:
Mr_Canada Mr_Canada:

Ghandi ain't got shit on me yo
I did this test as part of a Social Studies class and got this result and was lectured for 'gaming' the test; no student he ever taught got even close to such a radical result apparently
Like I said earlier in this thread. You are one of those that has changed what you are and how you think to force fit into the box you've chosen for yourself. That's not original thinking, Mr. C... quite the contrary.
There are several threads on this site over the years where this test has been done that show my progression to the radical left; I did not game the test
"Chosen" isn't necessarily true as much as "Identified with completely upon understanding it and converted because it became immoral to do otherwise"
If my politics are chosen everyone's politics are chosen. This feels natural.
I don't google shit to find what my responses "should be"; everything I say is shit I believe and when that changes over time I make it known.