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CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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Posts: 30649
PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:32 pm

<strong>Title: </strong> <a href="article-685.html" target="_blank">Branson & Ontario Minister Lead Coalition on Global Warming</a>

<strong>Category:</strong> <a href="article-topic-47.html" target="_blank">Environment</a>
<strong>Written By: </strong> <a href="/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=Newspartnergroup" target="_blank">Newspartnergroup</a>
<strong>Date: </strong> 2007-05-10 11:22:00<br><br>
Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group of Companies, and Ontario Environment Minister Laurel Broten, appeared in Toronto this morning to announce the launch of FLICK OFF - a cross-country initiative designed to educate Canadians about the devastating effects of global warming and motivate people to do something about it.<br><a href="article-685.html">read more >></a>

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:32 pm ... try&e=1723 My blog entry on this topic, like I say, Mr. B is my kinda guy - Flick Off, is an easy site to navigate, distinctly targeted at serious issues that snazzy surrounding advertisements take away from in the Newspaper - it's all very real and so many people have been saying "gee, something is up with the weather - things seem like they are changing" and they are - be aware, stay on top of the news, learn what is really going on and how we can help hinder the progress of past mistakes... I endorse Flick Off and the energy, money and dedication of those who care about "tomorrow" for our children!!!

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