herbie herbie:
I guess anyone who can recognize a satirical cartoon and the irony of 'chicksontheright' must have an intellect and therefore be an intellectual elitist.
Lucky they don't publish National Lampoon anymore, you'd be using it as a reference book.
Yeah, that analogy would work. Except the plane isn’t crashing down in a ball of economic flames
Neither is the USA. The whole idea that the US economy is doing poorly or would be doing better under Republicans is a right-wing lie or at best an unsupported empty boast. The economy has been growing steadily, albeit slowly for several years. But that is the case everywhere in the world. The Republican argument that it would be growing faster under a Republican president is just your usual right-wing baseless bullshit. It's not even clear that the President has any lasting impact on the economy.
AND DON'T FORGET A REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT DESTROYED THE ECONOMY IN THE FIRST PLACEWhy is it when the economy goes in the shitter under Republican watch it's never the Republicans' fault?
America’s enemies aren’t salivating at the prospect of our weakened military
Who weakened it? The Republican scumbags who lied to the American people to wage an endless, unjustified and pointless war in Iraq that wore out the military, the troops, and the American people. The same Republican scumbags who viciously attacked anyone who dared to speak the obvious truths about their lies, that's who. Even your dear lord Trump is anti-Iraq and the rest of the scumbag Republican supporters have suddenly caught selective amnesia because they can't even admit to having been wrong about supporting that epic catastrophe.
And who is salivating really? Putin? The US military is still much larger and more capable than any other nation on the planet and I don't think the size of the military matters to terrorists anyway. A military a fraction of the size of the US is still larger than any group of insurgents or goat herders with RPG's that Americans need to worry about.
The left is more concerned with how much ice polar bears haven’t lost in 40 years than they are about Islamic terrorists beating down our doors.
What is meant by "beating down your doors?" and by what measure is the left not concerned about them? And the claim that there hasn't been loss of ice in the arctic is just false.
As usual, the conservative tirade is based on lies, disinformation, cherry-picked facts, vague, substance-less claims. I mean, who would't be upset about "terrorists banging down the door" until you realize "banging down the door" is just a meaningless metaphor used to agitate the Deplorables.