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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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Posts: 15244
PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 6:28 pm

I'm not the only one who sees the similarities betweenTrump and Biff from Back To The Future II after a return to the altered present. Ironically I used to use this as an example of a nightmare conservative future back in the Bush days.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 6:44 pm

Everyone who was a Back To The Future fan kind of glossed over the part that Biff was definitely a sex molester and would have veered into full rapist territory if George hadn't popped him a good one. Sound familiar to anyone, with Biff being another "grab them by the pussy" practitioner.

CKA Super Elite
CKA Super Elite
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 7:15 pm

Thanos Thanos:
There's probably no way to accurately gauge to complete collapse of faith in national and world institutions. I really don't need to hear any more Dems say stupid things like "the unemployment rate is half what it was in 2008 and the stock market has more than doubled since Obama was first elected!". Those are completely misleading because the good jobs that were destroyed from 2001 to 2008 were replaced by lower paying ones with zero-to-no employee benefits. And the stock market means bupkus to the untermensch because what causes it to grow isn't the same thing anymore that used to give these people jobs; when it's just some sleazy motherfuckers causing prices to rise through currency speculation or bubbles like the mortgage one (which when they explode are rigged only to affect the poors, not the gilded class) it means nothing to the part of the economy the non-wealthy have to sink or swim in.

WHAT??? You don't consider cashier at Walmart a good job? And this being the season to celebrate the God Retail. Shame!

Forum Elite
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:51 pm

N_Fiddledog N_Fiddledog:
There seems to be some confusion here as to what the OP is saying.

Very well. Here is, what I will call, a companion piece. It advises those of us not under the control of the elite on how to deal with those who are - or at least appear to be.

More at link

Rules for Righties — a War-Winning Manifesto for 2017

Oh and don't let them baffle you with their BS. Corporatism is something they themselves are fond of. Don't let them do this to you


while they insinuate your slavery to a fantasy plutocracy. The stuff they pull out their collective butthole of imagined horrors is only dangerous if you can be intimidated into believing it exists.

Um, you do realize that guys like Lenin, Mao and Castro all made their bones condemning the ruling elites of their countries, and that other would-be revolutionaries (the Weather Underground in the U.S., the FLQ here in Canada, Shining Path in Peru, etc.) similarly condemned the ruling capitalist and business elites in their countries, right?

Go look at someone like the late Mel Hurtig-he hated NAFTA as much as anyone in this country, for a lot of the same reasons that voters who backed Brexit and Trump do-outsourcing of jobs, transitioning of power to unelected multinational power brokers, etc.-but I can say that he would have loathed Trump too.

And the screed you quoted does not account for the likes of Black Lives Matter supporters or the folks at Standing Rock-are you telling me that all those people rallying to support them are all secretly elites? How about all the people in this country who oppose pipelines because they're concerned about spills ravaging the landscape and wiping out animals the way the screed cites windmills doing to birds? Are those people all elites? Again, they'd probably be pretty shocked that people consider them as such.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:59 pm

So what you mean is because Marx,Lenin, Castro are gone their arguments are completely invalid, claim the concept of "class struggles" does not exist but under new made up names like "elites" is a valid argument of the right?
How much dope do you smoke on a regular basis?

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:20 am

Apparently the major characteristic identifying elites might be what they're calling social isolation.

A new study shows the college-graduate inhabitants of New York’s elite zip-codes are the most socially isolated Americans in the United States, and have the least familiarity with how ordinary Americans live.

Close behind are the parochial professionals in zip codes around Boston, Silicon Valley and Los Angeles, whose social bubbles leave them isolated from the hopes and fears of their fellow Americans, according to the study by Charles Murray, one of the nation’s leading policy experts, who now works at the D.C.-based American Enterprise Institute.

“America really does have a new elite that is isolated from and often ignorant about white mainstream America,” said Murray, who recently said a pause in low-skill migration might aid the most economically damaged districts in the United States.

The results are based on a survey of the 130,000 people who voluntarily completed Murray’s online test — see here — and it shows that familiarity with mainstream American lives slides down as the number of college graduates rises up in each zip code’s particular social bubble.

But the elite respondents’ understanding of ordinary Americans’ lives actually crashes in the top few districts with the highest percentage of college degrees and greatest “Socio-Economic Status” or ‘SES.’...

More at Brietbart

The way I understand it is if you're hearing attitudes coming down to you from heights of culture, media, education and politics that are telling you what they believe is you and those sound like they're coming from another planet where they don't actually have anything like you - you bitter-clinging, cis, white, privileged, deplorable of the patriarchy - it's because it kind of is.

CKA Super Elite
CKA Super Elite
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:59 am


CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:30 am


+5 for all the butthurt that you're going to cause with that! [but]

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:13 am

Here's one from the blog called "Chicks on the Right."

Typically, I wouldn’t even bother with the New Yorker. The only people who read that dreck are ensconced in leftist elitists enclaves on the coasts or hunkered down in humanities departments on college campuses. Nobody who is actually in touch with reality gives the New Yorker the time of day.

But for some reason known only to God, this particular cartoon has started showing up in my Facebook feed and other social media places that I frequent. And I’m tired of rolling my eyes out of my head –


See, it’s funny because the airline passengers are just like dumb/racist/sexist/homophobic American voters who can’t stand that the country’s been run by a black dude for the past eight years (even though a good majority of those same people voted for said black dude) and they’ve never had it so good! They just don’t know what all the elitists have done for them – poor dears…

Yeah, that analogy would work. Except the plane isn’t crashing down in a ball of economic flames, America’s enemies aren’t salivating at the prospect of our weakened military, and the left is more concerned with how much ice polar bears haven’t lost in 40 years than they are about Islamic terrorists beating down our doors.

All thanks to elitist scumbags like the people who read The New Yorker.

You’ve gotta love the reactions to the cartoon, though –

Do you want more Trump? Because this is how you get more Trump.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) January 2, 2017

This sums up what liberals think.

Understand, they think you are stupid + need to obey.
@exjon @stephenkruiser @AceofSpadesHQ @LarryOConnor
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) January 2, 2017

As the plane took a nosedive, pilot Obama would promise the passengers that everything was okay. Any dissenters would be called racists.
— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) January 2, 2017

@jtLOL If you like your life, you can keep your life. – pilot Obama
— (((Physics Geek))) (@physicsgeek) January 2, 2017

“People are accusing political elites of being out of touch?! Let’s prove them completely right with an asinine strawman!”
— Tacticool Elf (@Battlefieldtrip) January 2, 2017

— Renegade Jew (@DraftRyan2016) January 2, 2017

I also liked the caption I saw in a comment section somewhere – “Who wants this plane to go somewhere other than California or New York?”

David Burge’s law certainly applies here (he hasn’t tweeted about this particular cartoon, but the point stands) –

Burge’s Law: Every New Yorker cartoon can be improved by recaptioning “I think I’m going to kill myself”

— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) March 23, 2014 ... n-or-what/

Chicks on the Right appears to believe we can know the elite (as represented here through the intellect behind the New Yorker cartoon) by what they think of the rest of us.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:26 am

And Donald Trump is your answer to the elitists?

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:05 pm

I guess anyone who can recognize a satirical cartoon and the irony of 'chicksontheright' must have an intellect and therefore be an intellectual elitist.
Lucky they don't publish National Lampoon anymore, you'd be using it as a reference book.

CKA Super Elite
CKA Super Elite
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:07 pm

BartSimpson BartSimpson:

+5 for all the butthurt that you're going to cause with that! [but]

Every morning their tears are delicious. :lol:

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:11 pm

Zipperfish Zipperfish:
And Donald Trump is your answer to the elitists?

Well compared to Killary it's better the devil you don't know. :wink:

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:58 pm

herbie herbie:
I guess anyone who can recognize a satirical cartoon and the irony of 'chicksontheright' must have an intellect and therefore be an intellectual elitist.
Lucky they don't publish National Lampoon anymore, you'd be using it as a reference book.


Yeah, that analogy would work. Except the plane isn’t crashing down in a ball of economic flames

Neither is the USA. The whole idea that the US economy is doing poorly or would be doing better under Republicans is a right-wing lie or at best an unsupported empty boast. The economy has been growing steadily, albeit slowly for several years. But that is the case everywhere in the world. The Republican argument that it would be growing faster under a Republican president is just your usual right-wing baseless bullshit. It's not even clear that the President has any lasting impact on the economy. AND DON'T FORGET A REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT DESTROYED THE ECONOMY IN THE FIRST PLACE

Why is it when the economy goes in the shitter under Republican watch it's never the Republicans' fault?


America’s enemies aren’t salivating at the prospect of our weakened military

Who weakened it? The Republican scumbags who lied to the American people to wage an endless, unjustified and pointless war in Iraq that wore out the military, the troops, and the American people. The same Republican scumbags who viciously attacked anyone who dared to speak the obvious truths about their lies, that's who. Even your dear lord Trump is anti-Iraq and the rest of the scumbag Republican supporters have suddenly caught selective amnesia because they can't even admit to having been wrong about supporting that epic catastrophe.

And who is salivating really? Putin? The US military is still much larger and more capable than any other nation on the planet and I don't think the size of the military matters to terrorists anyway. A military a fraction of the size of the US is still larger than any group of insurgents or goat herders with RPG's that Americans need to worry about.


The left is more concerned with how much ice polar bears haven’t lost in 40 years than they are about Islamic terrorists beating down our doors.

What is meant by "beating down your doors?" and by what measure is the left not concerned about them? And the claim that there hasn't been loss of ice in the arctic is just false.

As usual, the conservative tirade is based on lies, disinformation, cherry-picked facts, vague, substance-less claims. I mean, who would't be upset about "terrorists banging down the door" until you realize "banging down the door" is just a meaningless metaphor used to agitate the Deplorables.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:31 pm

Zipperfish Zipperfish:
And Donald Trump is your answer to the elitists?

They hate him and he drives them into frothing, impotent rages so yes. :wink:

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