fatbasturd fatbasturd:
bootlegga bootlegga:
fatbasturd fatbasturd:
Just wait untill the doc puts a rubber glove on and sticks his finger up your ass and begins to roam around in there a bit'TALK ABOUT AWKWARD"
I agree it is VERY awkward...but would you rather they squish your tool with a machine like the mammography machine?
I have had worse done to it by the doc......I had a catheter shoved up the end of it so they could put dye in my urinary tract...

i saw that happen once.... he was so embarrassed. There he was in a hospital bed with two nurses "handling" him and he was soooo uncomfortable. He looked down and all he saw was a "red" penis (covered in iodine) so he just groaned and threw back his head. A minute later as they slipped the catheter into his urethra his legs shot out straight in the air and he just screamed until it finally hit his bladder.

That was pretty traumatic for me so i can imagine that he still remembers it very well.