saga..They want the lands and resources so they can manage themselves.
Show me one other group in this country that thinks that they are entitled to that?
You are right. There aren't any others who are entitled to that.
Everyone else came here by choice to be Canadian.
They have Aboriginal rights.
It is in the constitution
... remember?
... "uphold the constitution"
And we are not alone ... all former colonies are dealing with these issues.
Gonna let those
pansy aussies do it better than us?
City of PERTH, AUSTRALIA ... Aboriginal Title
... cos this just ain't a way to go ... not going to happen
rallyphuckenfreedommarch ... NOT! ... orontoHome
... oh ... and mcfailure has finally figured out what his rallyfreedommarch is about
... SNICKER ... wacko ... suicidal in fact! lol
David Peterson: YOU DA PHUCKING MAN TODAY !!! You nailed it.
and buttface's rallyfreedommarch is not going to happen
(oh ... and we got his sponsors' logos off his site)
... stay tuned to the NEWS ... it's a big week!
'MARSHALL' LAW in Haldimand County IS ON TRIAL today in the Appeals court ...
The Attorney General is the landowner ... and the prosecutor.
To make a long story short ... judge
("We own the land where you lay your head!)
Marshall is in HUGE conflict of interest,
and his reasoning "is not correct in the law" ... it is only 'Marshall' law
The government may need to acquire the Judge's HUGE conflict-of-interest acreage in the Haldimand Tract. ... snicker.
And no ... this is not threatening at all you cluckers! bawk- bak-bawk!
THIS is MUCH needed reality for all of us.
URBAN SPRAWL must be halted.. FAST!
The air we breathe, the phucking SPRAWL services like a network of snakes sucking the life from the land ... we city people are tired of subsidizing MILES AND MILES OF PIPES FULL OF YOUR CRAP
I want green infill development on the parking lots in the cities, brownfields restored, INDUSTRIAL buildings used ... manufacturing is much more efficient now - doesn't need all that land. WE have LOTS OF LAND in the cities. LOTS of us babyboomers like me
... retirement, mon! don't worrybe happy!
I want to walk to the city market, and to the bay to go sailing.
And sprawl development HAS HALTED all up and down the Grand River.
... and they said "thanks for the windmills" (K Horn)
It's a win-win ... for all of us and our descendants.
And if you are interested in white collar crime
... stay tuned to the news about the new archeological study.
Because they've found what they scraped into the ditches.
"the worst case of archeological rape in Canada"
so I understand why Hazel Hill says
... and I'll say what I like cos I'M post menopausal and retired and I don't give a cluck ...