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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:06 pm

saga..They want the lands and resources so they can manage themselves.

Show me one other group in this country that thinks that they are entitled to that?

Show me one group that actually worked to develop those resources that wants it all to themselves,

Canadians developed those resources so all of Canada can benefit from those resources,

If the Europeans educated the natives in one thing it was GREED!

You would know! :wink:

I don't get it ... you bitch because we "support" them (which is VERY debatable)
... AND you bitch because they want to support themselves.

We removed their means of support.
Canadians did not develop anything.
Canadians leases the land to corporations ... who daily send HUGE chunks of our country south of the border... and Canada pocket the money, even though we have legal agreements with aboriginal groups that say the money is theirs.

The legal agreements ... contracts ... we signed with our Indigenous allies are still valid ... but have not been honoured by Canada.

We can save a lot of strife by honouring our contracts, as Canada has begun to do through the legal land claims process.
It is too slow ... takes over a generation to settle a large claim
... and they want to be self supporting in THIS generation.
Changes are needed, it's true ... and there will be many more land reclamations and blockades if the government doesn't act quickly with honour to uphold constitutional rights and the laws of Canada.

... and if we act with honour and respect our allies,
perhaps someday the kids and adults will ALL stop the name-calling from both sides!

... and if you read the real history, you will see
... we tried to extermnate them so we could keep the land in spite of our written agreements
...and yes, they are PI$$ED about that
... and YES even their kindergarten kids know that!

The solution is ... honour the agreements ... take a 1-2% hit on your income tax.

Is it such a really really really big deal really?

If I could start paying tomorrow so that all this arguing and ill will would stop ?

... in a heartbeat I would!

I fucking HATE being in the middle like this!
But ... it is my fate.
be gentle.

Last edited by saga on Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:15 pm

saga..They want the lands and resources so they can manage themselves.

Show me one other group in this country that thinks that they are entitled to that?

You are right. There aren't any others who are entitled to that.

Everyone else came here by choice to be Canadian.

They have Aboriginal rights.

It is in the constitution

... remember?

... "uphold the constitution"

And we are not alone ... all former colonies are dealing with these issues.

Gonna let those pansy aussies do it better than us?

City of PERTH, AUSTRALIA ... Aboriginal Title

... cos this just ain't a way to go ... not going to happen

rallyphuckenfreedommarch ... NOT! ... orontoHome

... oh ... and mcfailure has finally figured out what his rallyfreedommarch is about


... SNICKER ... wacko ... suicidal in fact! lol

David Peterson: YOU DA PHUCKING MAN TODAY !!! You nailed it.

and buttface's rallyfreedommarch is not going to happen
(oh ... and we got his sponsors' logos off his site)

... stay tuned to the NEWS ... it's a big week!

'MARSHALL' LAW in Haldimand County IS ON TRIAL today in the Appeals court ...
The Attorney General is the landowner ... and the prosecutor.
To make a long story short ... judge
("We own the land where you lay your head!)
Marshall is in HUGE conflict of interest,
and his reasoning "is not correct in the law" ... it is only 'Marshall' law

The government may need to acquire the Judge's HUGE conflict-of-interest acreage in the Haldimand Tract. ... snicker.

And no ... this is not threatening at all you cluckers! bawk- bak-bawk!

THIS is MUCH needed reality for all of us.

URBAN SPRAWL must be halted.. FAST!

The air we breathe, the phucking SPRAWL services like a network of snakes sucking the life from the land ... we city people are tired of subsidizing MILES AND MILES OF PIPES FULL OF YOUR CRAP :lol:

I want green infill development on the parking lots in the cities, brownfields restored, INDUSTRIAL buildings used ... manufacturing is much more efficient now - doesn't need all that land. WE have LOTS OF LAND in the cities. LOTS of us babyboomers like me
... retirement, mon! don't worrybe happy!

I want to walk to the city market, and to the bay to go sailing.

And sprawl development HAS HALTED all up and down the Grand River.
... and they said "thanks for the windmills" (K Horn)

It's a win-win ... for all of us and our descendants. :wink:

And if you are interested in white collar crime
... stay tuned to the news about the new archeological study.

Because they've found what they scraped into the ditches.

"the worst case of archeological rape in Canada" :twisted:

so I understand why Hazel Hill says


... and I'll say what I like cos I'M post menopausal and retired and I don't give a cluck ...


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Last edited by saga on Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:18 pm

saga saga:
... AND you bitch because they want to support themselves.

We removed their means of support.
Are you telling me it's illegal for a native Canadian to work? They can not get a job to pay thier own bills? When did this happen?

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:26 pm

saga saga:
... AND you bitch because they want to support themselves.

We removed their means of support.
Are you telling me it's illegal for a native Canadian to work? They can not get a job to pay thier own bills? When did this happen?

No I certainly didn't say that.
I specifically said that unemployment is low at Six Nations.

And they want their land back now that Canada holds in trust ...
because the Supreme Court of Canada says
Canada IS responsible to uphold the Honour of the Crown.

... and that is real law, not 'Marshall' law.
Wait for it...

Last edited by saga on Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:31 pm

saga saga:
saga saga:
... AND you bitch because they want to support themselves.

We removed their means of support.
Are you telling me it's illegal for a native Canadian to work? They can not get a job to pay thier own bills? When did this happen?

No I certainly didn't say that.
I specifically said that unemployment is low at Six Nations.
You know what? They are begging for workers in Alberta and BC. If anyone seriously wants to get off there ass and work the jobs are out there. Most people find pride in being able to take care of their own families and pay for there own homes.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:32 pm

saga saga:
saga saga:
... AND you bitch because they want to support themselves.

We removed their means of support.
Are you telling me it's illegal for a native Canadian to work? They can not get a job to pay thier own bills? When did this happen?

No I certainly didn't say that.
I specifically said that unemployment is low at Six Nations.
You know what? They are begging for workers in Alberta and BC. If anyone seriously wants to get off there ass and work the jobs are out there. Most people find pride in being able to take care of their own families and pay for there own homes.

Are you from Alberta, cowboy?
Because here ... they have jobs ... probably better jobs than you!

ya got pms ... or just pi$$ed?

hmm ... I do believe I smell a troll ...
didn't read a thing did you? just stopped in to drop a stereotype slam or two.

move along.

Last edited by saga on Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:39 pm

saga saga:
saga saga:
saga saga:
... AND you bitch because they want to support themselves.

We removed their means of support.
Are you telling me it's illegal for a native Canadian to work? They can not get a job to pay thier own bills? When did this happen?

No I certainly didn't say that.
I specifically said that unemployment is low at Six Nations.
You know what? They are begging for workers in Alberta and BC. If anyone seriously wants to get off there ass and work the jobs are out there. Most people find pride in being able to take care of their own families and pay for there own homes.

Are you from Alberta, cowboy?
Because here ... they have jobs ... probably better jobs than you!

ya got pms ... or just pi$$ed?
You're hard to understand, so I'll stop before I say something not nice.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:40 pm

saga saga:
saga saga:
saga saga:
... AND you bitch because they want to support themselves.

We removed their means of support.
Are you telling me it's illegal for a native Canadian to work? They can not get a job to pay thier own bills? When did this happen?

No I certainly didn't say that.
I specifically said that unemployment is low at Six Nations.
You know what? They are begging for workers in Alberta and BC. If anyone seriously wants to get off there ass and work the jobs are out there. Most people find pride in being able to take care of their own families and pay for there own homes.

Are you from Alberta, cowboy?
Because here ... they have jobs ... probably better jobs than you!

ya got pms ... or just pi$$ed?
You're hard to understand, so I'll stop before I say something not nice.

EXcellent idea dear!

g'night ... hugs

CKA Super Elite
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:26 am

saga saga:
Mustang1 Mustang1:
Arctic_Menace Arctic_Menace:
that we've used about Indigenous people are not about their true characters but the ravages of six generations of abuse, impoverishment, dispersal of families, loss of culture, language and tradition and SUPPRESSION of RELIGION (!) and of course the loss of land and livelihood ...

This has not been forcibly implemented on behalf of the Canadian government. The natives are more than capable of changing this themselves...

Oh…and just for the record: there are no indigenous people in North America. Modern Home Sapiens is the only group identified in the fossil record here– everyone immigrated here from somewhere else. That’s basic anthropology. Granny crapped the bed again.

semantics ... take it up with the UN

Anthropology ... take it up with a social science department. That’s your second bed crapping incident tonight.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:30 am

Gonna let those pansy aussies do it better than us?

Aussies ain't pansies, you bitch. They took the fight to the Japs in WWII. But seeing as you have no clue about history, I didn't expect you to know this...

Good boy ... don't argue with granny ...

WTF?! Are you daft?!

Oh wait, sorry. It's in one ass, out the other with you isn't it?

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 8:09 pm

Mustang1 Mustang1:
saga saga:
Mustang1 Mustang1:
Arctic_Menace Arctic_Menace:
that we've used about Indigenous people are not about their true characters but the ravages of six generations of abuse, impoverishment, dispersal of families, loss of culture, language and tradition and SUPPRESSION of RELIGION (!) and of course the loss of land and livelihood ...

This has not been forcibly implemented on behalf of the Canadian government. The natives are more than capable of changing this themselves...

Oh…and just for the record: there are no indigenous people in North America. Modern Home Sapiens is the only group identified in the fossil record here– everyone immigrated here from somewhere else. That’s basic anthropology. Granny crapped the bed again.

semantics ... take it up with the UN

Anthropology ... take it up with a social science department. That’s your second bed crapping incident tonight.

"It is the preferred term in use by the United Nations and its subsidiary organizations."

... but you may choose to differ ... what is your choice?

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 8:20 pm

Arctic_Menace Arctic_Menace:
Gonna let those pansy aussies do it better than us?

Aussies ain't pansies, you bitch. They took the fight to the Japs in WWII. But seeing as you have no clue about history, I didn't expect you to know this...

aw c'mon ... ther must be SOME pansy aussies ... they're giving away a city to the aborignes!

Just for you Menace

CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:04 pm

Hello my name is saga welcome to 1576... collectively now, lets all feel bad.

Shut the fuck up will ya and take your self-loathing bullshit somewhere else.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:11 pm

aw c'mon ... ther must be SOME pansy aussies ... they're giving away a city to the aborignes!

Can anyone find any logic in this statement?! I'll seriously send $20 bucks in the mail if you do...

CKA Super Elite
CKA Super Elite
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:38 am

saga saga:
Mustang1 Mustang1:
saga saga:
Mustang1 Mustang1:
Arctic_Menace Arctic_Menace:
that we've used about Indigenous people are not about their true characters but the ravages of six generations of abuse, impoverishment, dispersal of families, loss of culture, language and tradition and SUPPRESSION of RELIGION (!) and of course the loss of land and livelihood ...

This has not been forcibly implemented on behalf of the Canadian government. The natives are more than capable of changing this themselves...

Oh…and just for the record: there are no indigenous people in North America. Modern Home Sapiens is the only group identified in the fossil record here– everyone immigrated here from somewhere else. That’s basic anthropology. Granny crapped the bed again.

semantics ... take it up with the UN

Anthropology ... take it up with a social science department. That’s your second bed crapping incident tonight.

"It is the preferred term in use by the United Nations and its subsidiary organizations."

... but you may choose to differ ... what is your choice?

I disagree with the incorrect “political” applications – you show me Australopithecines, H. Habilis, H. Erectus or Archaic Homo in the fossil record here and you’ve got something, but until then, ALL people arrived in North America. Done.

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