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Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:28 am
<strong>Title: </strong> <a href="article-670.html" target="_blank">Native Stand-Offs A Failure of Common Sense?</a>
<strong>Category:</strong> <a href="article-topic-37.html" target="_blank">Canadian Spotlight</a>
<strong>Written By: </strong> <a href="/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=Motorcycleboy" target="_blank">Motorcycleboy</a>
<strong>Date: </strong> 2006-08-29 23:40:56
Masked, camoflauge-wearing men attack police with baseball bats and pipes. An explosion and fire rips through a Hydroelectric transformer near the battleground, plunging over 50 000 people into darkness. One could be forgiven for thinking this is a scene out of Beirut or Bagdahd. But it’s not.
<a href="article-670.html">read more >></a>
plug it here:
http://digg.com/political_opinion/Nativ ... mmon_Sense
http://politics.netscape.com/story/2006 ... mon-sense/
http://www.shoutwire.com/comments/27084 ... mmon_Sense
Posts: 9893
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:28 am
Thanks to Motorcycleboy for taking the time to write this article, need more editorials!
I definatly am not well informed on this subject, but from what little I know I have to say this is a great article and agree with most the points.
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:04 pm
Excellent. I also am not too well informed on the ins and outs of this issue but I feel the writer has given us a very very good snapshot of what is happening in Caledonia and why. Thanks.
CKA Uber
Posts: 11051
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:09 pm
Well done ....
Active Member
Posts: 463
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:33 pm
The Haudenosaunee have NEVER attacked police with bats and pipes. It is the local racists who threaten other residents that way.The town has been bullied into silence.
This is a biased and very untruthful account.
Active Member
Posts: 463
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:35 pm
Shooting at police?
What town were you in? Certainly not Caledonia.
LIES LIES mcboy!!
Active Member
Posts: 463
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:41 pm
Re pipes and bats ... OH ... I get it!
You are talking about when the women linked arms and WALKED THE OPP OFF THE LAND!! (Sad day for the OPP, made fools of by native women!)
There were NO POLICE ATTACKED with bats and pipes ... just the stinking paddy wagons you left behind when you RAN!!!
I get it now. This is an OPP apologist editorial, trying to make it look like they were attacked ... when they were only WALKED OFF THE LAND BY UNARMED WOMEN!! Too funny mcboy!
Yeah ... took FIVE of you to take down a GRANDMOTHER! And they ran too when her son approached!!
Give me a break!
Such a load of crap!!
Active Member
Posts: 463
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:50 pm
PS: I am a strong supporter of the OPP in their current role as peacekeepers. They protest the Haudenosaunee from the local mob who instigates, threatens SN supporters, and and keeps police busy with nuisance calls. The Haudenosaunee have valid land claims, now being clarified by historians. Announcement soon. The Haldimand Tract is theirs. The Ontario government has to buy back the towns and farms from them.
Judge Marshall's injunction and hissy fits which forced the OPP to try to remove the Haudenosaunee (unsuccessfully) ... will soon be dismissed by the Court of Appeal because a) the government does not mind them being on its land, and b) the judge had no right to grant the injunction in the first place since he is in a conflict of interest as a land 'owner' (in his mind) in the disputed Haldimand Tract.
Active Member
Posts: 463
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:54 pm
Hey ... it's no problem that hyou guys aren't well informaed about Caledonia ... neither is McBoy!!
Active Member
Posts: 463
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:00 pm
Your account of Ipperwash is ... just sick!
The 14 year old kid driving the bus was trying to get to his grandfather who was not even part of the protest but had stepped forward to try to talk to police. He was beaten badly bu OPP batons... 28 blunt trauma wounds. The 14 year old didn't know there was a 10 year old and his dog who had been sleeping in the bus. The OPP opened fire on the bus. The 10 year old was not hit. The 14 year old was. There were bullet holes all around and IN the driver's seat. He was targeted. 14 years old and trying to rescue his grandfather who was being brutally beaten for no reason.
This is a disgusting attempt to whitewash, mcboy!
Wait for the inquiry results ... then you will have to do a rewrite!
Forum Super Elite
Posts: 2282
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:07 pm
Saga name one other organization of People who could get away with what the Natives are doing in Caledonia? NONE. Motorcycle boy's article is true, do you not read the news papers? The Natives crossed the line in Caledonia and the Police let them away with it-that's wrong under Canadian Law. Myself and my gardening club would of been Arrested in minutes-why weren't the Native law Breakers. Special Status, not exceptable, and Saga I'm half MicMac and I respect the Native People more than I can articulate. There are no plausable reasons for their behavior only excuses. They are breaking the law, and getting away with it-under the Quise of Appeasment.
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Posts: 463
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:08 pm
Knowing how police are going to overreact, as they have in ALL land reclamations in Canada to date ... DO YOU REALLY THINK ANY NATIVE GROUP IS STUPID ENOUGH TO RECLAIM LAND THAT THEY ARE NOT ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE IS THEIRS?
The government eventually tells the truth ... and leaves the police holding the bag for their violent overreaction.
You would think the police would have learned by now: Trying to remove them or do battle with them is a no-win for you!!
Next time, it is to be hoped that the police will just take up positions to keep the peace ... to uphold the fundamental rights of the Indigenous people reclaiming their land ... because they will be right and you will look stupid ... again! ENOUGH OF THIS CHASING INJUNS CRAP!!
This is the 21st century, fercrissakes, not the 1800's!
Active Member
Posts: 463
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:12 pm
They were peacefully reclaiming their land ... until attacked by the OPP. Then they secured and defended themsleves from another attack.
If the police hadn't gone in, none of the rest would have happened.
It is my belief that no police force in Canada will ever do something like that again. It is not defensible. They have rights, under our constitution, to aboriginal title. THAT is what the police should have been defending!! And that is what the police are now doing.
Active Member
Posts: 463
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:32 pm
If you and your garden club have documents to prove title to the land ... you could reclaim it through the courts. Indigenous people do not have that option. The government simply drags it on and on until the land is destroyed ... which is exactly what happened here and at OKA ... and at Grassy Narrows ... and at Lubicon ... the list goes on and on. You should inform yourselves of aboriginal rights and titles, since your first duty is to uphold fundamental rights, before you pay attention to some hinky country judge who is only trying to save his own land from their valid land claim!!
McBoy ... I DEMAND a rewrite!!!
I truly do sympathize with the OPP on the front line, who do as they are told.
To protect yourselves in the future, fercrissakes don't let some arrogant developer (who KNEW the land was in dispute) or some cracker judge use you as their personal army!!
The Indigenous people will be right about their claims. They have had years and years of waiting for government action to get all their facts and documents in order. The government can only delay ... but in the end they cannot deny!!
Access to a waiting list is not access to a land claim process!
You are being used.
It is wrong to try to rewrite truth to accommodate errors made.
They were peaceful. They are peaceful. They defended themselves when attacked and invaded, and they continue to defend their right to reclaim their land. The government will soon announce their ownership of the Haldimand Tract.
Other than defending themselves during the police raid, they have injured no one.
NO ONE YET KNOWS who shut the hydro down. However, it was certainly the right thing to do at that time because the local and imported racist yahoos had the crowd pretty riled up and becoming dangerous. And it worked. My belief is that the OPP did it for that reason. If they did, it was one of their smarter moves.
Active Member
Posts: 463
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:35 pm
Regaining title to land stolen from you is NOT appeasement!
It's not a law that Canada particularly likes, but is has to obey it nonetheless!!
Being half anything doesn't mean you understand it, if you haven't made the effort to.
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