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Posts: 15244
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:20 pm
Nice try but once again, I've educated you on this before. Time for (yet another) remedial lesson:
1) Democrat does not equal liberal Dumbass. Many democrats would be considered conservative if they ran here in Canada.
2) municipal governments are just administrative bodies with very little authority to do much beyond filling potholes and handing out parking tickets. Mayors and councilmen don't control access to the main social programs save for some public housing, they don't control the criminal laws or the justice system and they have virtually no influence on economic outcomes. And they are most often financially dependent upon and legally subservient to the state or province. Look at Flint Michigan: Democratic city placed under the rule of a Republican appointee from the Republican state government, who forced the city to to switch to lead-filled water system.
Look at states and provinces - that's where public services are funded or not funded and where real policy making exists. The liberal states and provinces are flourishing the hard core right wing ones are not.
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:15 am
BeaverFever BeaverFever: Nice try but once again, I've educated you on this before. Time for (yet another) remedial lesson:
1) Democrat does not equal liberal Dumbass. Many democrats would be considered conservative if they ran here in Canada.
2) municipal governments are just administrative bodies with very little authority to do much beyond filling potholes and handing out parking tickets. Mayors and councilmen don't control access to the main social programs save for some public housing, they don't control the criminal laws or the justice system and they have virtually no influence on economic outcomes. And they are most often financially dependent upon and legally subservient to the state or province. Look at Flint Michigan: Democratic city placed under the rule of a Republican appointee from the Republican state government, who forced the city to to switch to lead-filled water system.
Look at states and provinces - that's where public services are funded or not funded and where real policy making exists. The liberal states and provinces are flourishing the hard core right wing ones are not. Nice insult but anyway, riddle me this. If the Democrats aren't the American equivalent of Liberal then who is and could you actually show me the statistics of where "liberal" cities (and now apparently states and provinces) in North America are flourishing while the Conservative ones aren't? BTW Once upon a time you might have gotten away with claiming that American Democrats were the equivalent of Canadian Conservatives but not anymore. The political system in both countries has become far to polarised to allow for that self serving projection. $1: In the 90s, thanks to AM radio, Republicans managed to make the word "liberal" a slur. Rather than stand behind the word (and what it means), Democrats began insisting they were "moderate" or -- laughably -- "also conservative". They half-assed adopted Republican traits in an attempt to seem less hippie and more Don Draper. The result wasn't that conservatives suddenly voted for the Democrats, but rather that the centre moved further to the right. Actual Liberals stayed home or voted for what they saw as "the lesser of two evils". http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/ward-ander ... 91302.html
Posts: 15244
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:22 am
Your quote is basically correct. Save for a few truely liberal strongholds remaining in parts of the west coast and areas around New York/New England, the Democratic Party has moved to the right. The Republicans have also moved further to the right. In Canada, it was a similar story until recently, Chretien and Martin being very right wing prime minister at least from a fiscal perspective, now it's a different story with a resurgence of Liberals like Wynne and Trudeau. As for proof of liberal states outperforming conservative ones: http://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik ... 506-columnhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2 ... 7ec3f55e12http://www.businessinsider.com/red-stat ... ent-2015-7So red state economies have lower incomes, higher poverty, worse education, health care and are more likely to be dependent upon federal tax transfers. To be fair, there are some studies that also show cost of living is lower in red states, which helps even things out but cost of living is always lower in poor countries. A middle class person here could live like a king in rural Afghanistan too!
Last edited by BeaverFever on Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
CKA Uber
Posts: 10666
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:31 am
BeaverFever BeaverFever: Just a load of pot-kettle accusations, hollow rhetoric, and general right wing crybabying. Toronto and indeed the "liberal" parts of North America are the most thriving, culturally abd economically meanwhile the most conservative parts of the continent have become stagnant shit holes.
You lost the election by an overwhelming margin because everyone agrees you suck and your ideas are stupid. Now get over it or go move to one of the right-wing paradises like Kansas or Louisiana, which are practically on the verge of becoming third world countries due to failed conservative governments. You never cease to amaze me on how strong your bias is. You'll completely ignore facts and make up things on the spot, just as you did above.
CKA Uber
Posts: 10666
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:34 am
Freakinoldguy Freakinoldguy: Nice insult but anyway, riddle me this. If the Democrats aren't the American equivalent of Liberal then who is and could you actually show me the statistics of where "liberal" cities (and now apparently states and provinces) in North America are flourishing while the Conservative ones aren't?
Democrats do not equal Liberals in Canada. Sorry, it's not even close. The Democrats in the US are far closer to the Conservative Party of Canada. Equally, the Republicans are not equal to our CPC. They are far more to the right of the spectrum. Both the Liberals and Conservatives are huddled around the middle. There's little to differentiate the two these days beyond their leaders and the colour of the logo.
Posts: 15244
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:54 am
OnTheIce OnTheIce: You'll completely ignore facts and make up things on the spot, just as you did above.
1) such as..? 2) How is my post any different than the article in the OP? You guys like to play the empty accusation game but can't stand a dose of your own medicine.
CKA Uber
Posts: 10666
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 7:17 am
BeaverFever BeaverFever: 1) such as..?
This. $1: Toronto and indeed the "liberal" parts of North America are the most thriving, culturally abd economically meanwhile the most conservative parts of the continent have become stagnant shit holes BeaverFever BeaverFever: 2) How is my post any different than the article in the OP? You guys like to play the empty accusation game but can't stand a dose of your own medicine. Are you admitting to being full of shit or saying you're just full of shit because you think the article is?
Posts: 12398
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:48 am
BeaverFever BeaverFever: PluggyRug PluggyRug: BeaverFever BeaverFever: You sound like one of those Islamists, accusing us of being intolerant because we won't tolerate your intolerance. Which isn't surprising, because Islamism is just another kind of conservatism.
You guys troll around the clock attacking whatever and whomever you please, but if anyone dares to disagree with you, you say "waaaah you're not being diverse and tolerant!" Which is even more comical given one of the more common right wing diatribes is your endless criticism of tolerance and diversity as liberal concepts that are ruining our traditional country. Conservatives seem to oppose tolerance and diversity generally, except as it applies to them. More narrow minded empty rhetoric from an increasingly intolerant Dodgy Minivan driving rabid left. The author is correct, the above quote proves it beyond any doubt. More narrow minded empty rhetoric from an increasingly intolerant Dodgy Minivan driving rabid right. My post is correct, the above quote proves it beyond any doubt. Plagiarism, I thought you're against that. 
Posts: 11780
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 8:03 pm
$1: The Democrats in the US are far closer to the Conservative Party of Canada
Maybe the OLD Conservative Party, before the wackoids purged the Progressive out of the name. The one that led the fight against apartheid, started reforms on gay rights, encouraged immigrants, etc. Remember them, the REAL Conservatives that even got my vote once.
Posts: 15244
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:53 pm
OnTheIce OnTheIce: BeaverFever BeaverFever: 1) such as..?
This. $1: Toronto and indeed the "liberal" parts of North America are the most thriving, culturally abd economically meanwhile the most conservative parts of the continent have become stagnant shit holes BeaverFever BeaverFever: 2) How is my post any different than the article in the OP? You guys like to play the empty accusation game but can't stand a dose of your own medicine. Are you admitting to being full of shit or saying you're just full of shit because you think the article is? The article is full of shit, but at least I followed up my accusations with another post providing examples and supporting links
Active Member
Posts: 106
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:09 pm
Why are my fellow Canoooks discussing American politics? this thread is about toronto and canook politics which are not the same as the states.
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