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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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Posts: 26145
PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 1:17 pm

BONOKOSKI: Relax all you ‘un-Canadians,’ there’s no border ‘crisis,’ only a ‘challenge’

Mark Bonokoski Toronto Sun


The Trudeau Liberals appear to be winning the political correctness battle that intentionally degrades the reality of queue-jumping asylum seekers.

The media, by and large, has bought into this dumbing-down of the truth.

There are no quotation marks anymore surrounding the phrase “irregular border crossers,” for example, leaving the public to presume there is a certain ho-humness to thousands of illegals crossing into Canada from the United States at unmanned border points and throwing the social-service budgets of multicultural magnets like Toronto and Montreal into a crisis.

At a special hearing of the Commons’ immigration committee this week, heated exchanges led by Calgary Tory MP Michelle Rempel had both Liberal Safety Minister Ralph Goodale and newly-created Border Security Minister Bill Blair sucking for air and trying to pitch the line that everything is under control.

Minister of Spin Control should be the name of Blair’s new portfolio because, according to the Liberals, there is no border crisis but rather, as Blair put it after visiting the infamous Quebec non-entry-entry-point on Roxham Road south of Montreal, it’s “an absolutely seamless process.”

“There is a challenge,” Goodale had said. “But it is not a crisis.”

This, of course, is absurd. If it was not a crisis, neither Ontario Premier Doug Ford, nor Toronto Mayor John Tory, would be begging Ottawa to replace the multi-millions it has cost their taxpayers to pay for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s myopic 2017 tweet, #WelcomeToCanada, when he tried to play the saviour after that big, bad Donald Trump had iffy immigrants with sketchy backgrounds scrambling to get out of Dodge when he first issued a travel ban to folks from seven Muslim-dominated countries.

The scramble then turned into a stampede when Trump yanked the temporary-immigrant status of Haitians, for example, who were given time-stamped refuge in the States following a devastating earthquake in 2010.

A meeting late last week between Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen and his provincial counterparts also ended with a verbal dustup when Ontario cabinet minister Lisa McLeod walked out by putting the reality of the costs inflicted by border queue-jumpers into perspective — that resources she needs to assist “children with autism, children in care, and women fleeing domestic violence” — are being chewed up because of Trudeau’s blind welcoming.

Hussen’s response was to accuse McLeod and others of being “un-Canadian” and spreading a pack of lies.

“They’ve chosen to use false language with respect to so-called queue-jumping, when I have told them over and over again there is no such thing,” said Hussen. “I can assure you on behalf of Canadians that I will fight back against that narrative of fear with facts.”

Well, here are some facts.

In the first six months of this year alone, some 11,000 “irregular border crossers” entered our country while, just last month, another 1,200 illegals waltzed in through unofficial crossing points.

The crisis the Liberals say is not a crisis has now reached a point where there is no longer any room in temporary housing, including university dormitories which need to be vacated for the upcoming school year, and that the only option left now is the booking of hotel rooms at taxpayer expense — which isn’t a plan.

Meanwhile, on any given night, according to Statistics Canada, there are at least 30,000 out of our 400,000 homeless who have no place to sleep and therefore have no choice but to sleep rough.

No free hotels, for them.

Perhaps a new name can be coined for all those hundreds of homeless and mentally ill who occupy the hot-air vents along the streets of Toronto or curl up on cardboard in the alcoves and alleys of inner-city buildings.

“Irregular tenants,” perhaps. ... -challenge

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
 Vancouver Canucks

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Posts: 65472
PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 1:22 pm

Illegal aliens.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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Posts: 11780
PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 4:34 pm

Illegal aliens from Outer Space. Mattresses tied to the roof of their flying saucers.
Unemployed humans protesting with signs: TWO Arms! Two Arms!!

Forum Elite
Forum Elite
 Ottawa Senators

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Posts: 1685
PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 5:03 pm

No border crisis - and yet,

Canada has its very own - wait for it...

Border Security Minister

goes by the name of Bill Blair - former Toronto Police Chief, who happens to know absolutely nothing about borders other than Divisional ones.

Apparently, Bill doesn't know what his job is;

Watch & Weep

Are we ever in for it. . . .

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs
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Posts: 14139
PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 5:27 am

This new bullshit position for Blair is a fucking snow job. I think PM Selfie somehow figured out that a Somali migrant getting all virtue signal-y and self-aggrandizing by suggesting that 82% of Canadians aren't as Canadian as he is, isn't going to play well to the masses. So, create a new cabinet position and stick a White guy in charge of it in the hopes that when he gets all Christ-y about illegals, more Canadians will get on board.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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Posts: 26145
PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 11:36 am

I think Conservative Immigration critic, Michelle Rempel, calls Blair "The New Minister of Nothing."

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