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Posts: 11780
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 6:03 pm
$1: I'll forgive you if they're solar.
Soon as I move to where they have sunshine more than 3 days a year. You might not agree with climate change, but I live in it. Turned into fucking Vancouver in these parts
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 9:44 pm
herbie herbie: $1: I'll forgive you if they're solar.
Soon as I move to where they have sunshine more than 3 days a year. You might not agree with climate change, but I live in it. Turned into fucking Vancouver in these parts So your little dog wasn't whining to get back in the house pretty quick after he peed last winter, then? It's a long hair you have, isn't it? Pekinese or something like that? Seems to me I read that in one of your old posts. I had a short haired one in my pre-Gore, northern days. She was just out, squirt and mm mm mmm 'let me in'... pretty quick in that kind of stuff the Prince George Citizen was talking about after last winter. https://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/new ... 1.23652871
Posts: 14139
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 9:25 am
herbie herbie: And if only they'd paddle canoes or walk halfway around the world barefoot, the crisis would be over by the time they got there. You imply that any opinion I might have on environmental issues is invalid as I own two cars. The point is, you can't argue climate change so you're arguing the means of travel. That's what a straw man IS. But you inferring that we're implying that this is all about you isn't a strawman? And it all depends on how vocal you are. There's an idiot from Vancouver Island on another forum I looked at who is anti-oil, anti-pipeline but was screaming about the high price of gas in BC. That's called being a hypocritical douchebag. Likewise, when a bunch of ill-educated Hollyweird f*cks tell us we need to do something about the "climate crisis", hopping into your 550 gallons of fuel per hour private jet to go to a very private party doesn't exactly send the message that you're serious now does it. Groper is another prime example. Mr Gonna Save the World With Carbon Taxes has left a larger carbon footprint just from his taxpayer funded family vacations than the average Canadian family of four leaves in a year. Meanwhile, shortly after being appointed, Climate Barbie runs out and buys a fleet of luxury vehicles for her and her staff because bikes and public transit just aren't good enough for a Ministry that keeps waffling on about the "existential threat" of AGW. The only inconvenient truth connected to Al Gore is shortly after his fear-mongering movie, he ran out and bought ocean front property in Santa Barbara. The annual climate conferences are a sick joke at best. 200 morons flying private jets to some spa resort town somewhere on the planet and renting limos individually all so they can tell me my Hummer is destroying the planet. And where are the scientists in all of this? Funny how they're never invited to the spa resorts and Google parties to discuss climate change.
Posts: 11780
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 10:13 am
N_Fiddledog N_Fiddledog: herbie herbie: $1: I'll forgive you if they're solar.
Soon as I move to where they have sunshine more than 3 days a year. You might not agree with climate change, but I live in it. Turned into fucking Vancouver in these parts So your little dog wasn't whining to get back in the house pretty quick after he peed last winter, then? It's a long hair you have, isn't it? Pekinese or something like that? Seems to me I read that in one of your old posts. I had a short haired one in my pre-Gore, northern days. She was just out, squirt and mm mm mmm 'let me in'... pretty quick in that kind of stuff the Prince George Citizen was talking about after last winter. https://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/new ... 1.23652871That one was a Pom, long hair would go out and roll around in the snow at -30. Passed away and got replaced with a "Papihuahua" that does as you say. Hits the bottom step, shits, runs back in the doggie door. When I moved here my house burned down feb 23rd 1989. It was -37 that night and the wife screamed at the firemen for not doing fuck all. One turned on a hose and made it snow. We'd moved in 3 weeks before and the moving truck idling outside all day had melted a huge hole in the driveway, the neighbour plowed snow to fill it with his tractor. That kind of cold would happen for a week or so anytime between Christmas and March, not anymore. This year it was only a couple days worth in low -20s
Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 1:45 pm
Yeah, when I lived there you could usually count on 1 to 2 weeks of 30 below in January or February. It could be approaching this, that PG went through in 2019: $1: The average temperature for the month was -18 C, breaking the old record of -14.5 C set in 1949. The normal average is -5 C.
Feb. 4 was the coldest day when the low was -38.2 C and the high just -21.3 C. However, the low was only the second coldest for that day. The record of -40.6 C was set in 1937.
Just one daily record fell, when the low for Feb. 25 dropped to -32.4, edging out the old mark of -32.2 set in 1922.
"Just one minimum daily temperature record broken, the story was the prolonged cold," Sekhon said. but not quite. And I seem to remember talking to my buddy in Prince George on the phone last winter and being told about the horrific wind chill factor.
Last edited by N_Fiddledog on Tue Aug 06, 2019 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 12398
Posts: 14139
Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 12:51 am
It's not only that but the number of scientists who are backing away from and questioning the AGW claim.
But worse than that is all the knee-jerking without thinking first. Look at bags and straws. They used to be made of paper (and wax in the case of straws). The enviros whined about how we're killing our forests to make these things but didn't have a viable solution. So we knee-jerked a "solution" that is now seriously fucking up our oceans. Now, in the UK and Ireland, McDonalds has already gone back to paper straws.
David Attenborough stated that nature is out of balance. And he's right. He didn't really explain why, but I know. It's because we humans out of balance. There's simply too many people being born every year and not enough dying off. Nature kept us in balance until the advent of modern medicine. Now we're able to keep doing end runs around nature because we've been able to do things like dodge potential epidemics/pandemics, cure illnesses, allow people with congenital issues live longer lives, etc.
All these people need food, power, water, housing etc. Over the next decade we're on pace for the population to grow to almost 9 billion people. And the leftists seriously think we can decarbonize by 2050? Not gonna happen because it simply can't. It's a pipe dream.
Despite all the renewables projects that are already on-line globally, in 2018 wind and solar only provided around 400-500 TWh out of a total from all sources of electricity of over 26,000 TWh.
The IEA states that in 2018, renewables accounted for almost half of the increase in demand for energy. However that increased demand for power equated to 11,800 million tons of oil equivalent energy. But at least 40% of the renewables that helped supply that increased demand came from hydroelectric dams that had recently come on-line. Not exactly a green source of energy if you have to build it first. Existing ones have already done their damage but you have to wreck a lot of land to build a new one. And ultimately, the number of places you can conceivably build a large hydroelectric dam are somewhat limited.
So the question then becomes, how much land are we willing to sacrifice in order to build massive dams, and wind and solar farms?
Nor does any of that deal with the issues of changing weather patterns caused by deforestation, the literal removing of mountain tops during mining operations, bigger and bigger cities and everything else we do that negatively impacts the environment, which is pretty much everything we do.
But here's the cold hard math behind the impossibility of "decarbonization" by 2050.
First off, the math is based on the increased demand of 11,800 mtoe in 2018. That number will increase every year but I'll use it as the base for all years. In order to both meet the annual increasing demand AND replace our fossil fuel power supply, we'd have to install 428 turbines every day until 2050. That means having a land area at least the size of Russia covered in wind farms by 2050. Think about that, 17 million km2 of nothing but wind farms. How about solar? According to a US govt site, it takes 3 million PV solar panels to generate 1 GW of power. Globally last year we used well over 26,000 TWh of electricity. Now, multiply 3 million by 11,800 and then multiply that product by another 31 and that's how many solar panels would have to be installed by 2050.
Which brings us to the next problem, adding more power to the supply. Traditional power plants generally need to simply increase their output. Occasionally a new one needs to be built to meet the ever increasing demand but until then, output can simply be increased.
With wind and solar, you can't make the wind blow harder or the sun shine brighter to meet annual increasing demand. You have to keep adding more turbines and panels which means more land space. For example Bruce nuclear was until recently the highest capacity nuclear power plant in the world. (Still #2 though). It has a capacity of about 7800 MW and sits on 2 km2 of land. Ontario also has about 4400 MW of installed wind capacity. It sits on at least 10x the land area as Bruce NPP. Much of that land is, or rather was, exceptional farm land. Some of the best in the world.
Knee-jerking solutions has rarely, if ever, worked out for us before. I have no idea why anyone would think knee-jerk solutions would work now.
If govts REALLY understood and gave a shit, they'd forget about screwing with commercial scale wind and solar and put in the hands of the people. Get the costs and prices down so more people will be willing to invest. Most people don't want to wait well over a decade to see an ROI on wind or solar. Get that down to 5-7 years and there'd be a lot more takers. Because ultimately, if govts are really set on this bullshit, they're gonna need to rethink the economy and profiting from power generation.
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