But, but, our federal government says that the danger on the streets is all in our imaginations.....
https://vancouversun.com/news/crime/how ... c-facility$1:
Premier David Eby is calling for an independent review into how the suspect in this weekend’s triple stabbing in Vancouver’s Chinatown was able to get an unescorted day release from a psychiatric facility, saying the decision left him “white hot angry.”
“We will ensure that an independent person looks into the specifics of this case, the decision-making process, how we arrived at this awful place, for Chinatown, for the community, for the people who were attacked. And we’ll make sure there’s nobody else that’s on a day pass that’s in a similar situation to ensure the community is safe,” Eby said on Tuesday.
Blair Evan Donnelly is in custody and charged with three counts of aggravated assault after Sunday’s attack at the Light Up Chinatown festival, which left three people with severe wounds.
In 2008, Donnelly was found not criminally responsible on account of a mental disorder for stabbing his teenage daughter to death in 2006, and was sent to the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Coquitlam. Three months later, he qualified for what is called escorted community access.
In 2009, he was granted the chance to have unsupervised community visits for up to 28 days in length. While out on one of these visits in October 2009, he stabbed a friend while in a psychotic state. He was held criminally responsible for his actions, according to B.C. Review Board documents.
“I cannot fathom how someone who murdered his daughter was released in 2009, went out and stabbed somebody else, would then be released again, unaccompanied, somehow be able to go out and buy a knife, go to Chinatown, and stab three people. How is that possible?” Eby said Tuesday.
The Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Coquitlam is a 190-bed secure facility that specifically treats people who have been found not criminally responsible for a crime, or who are unfit to stand trial due to a mental disorder.
How is this possible? Well, Mr. Premier, it's easily possible when psychiatric review boards, parole boards, and judges, who are typically appointed by premiers & prime ministers who share the same leftist policies that you do, always rule in favour of the rights of a genuine maniac or criminal first and place public safety from maniacs & criminals as a much less important priority.
Like, is anyone really surprised anymore when these things happen?