Zipperfish Zipperfish:
Funny thing is that these guys pounding the table about free speech seem to envision some past time when everyone wore tri-cornered hats and free speeched all day long with no interference. That never existed. People are actually freer now (last 50 years) than they ever were before in the west. Ever heard of Lord Haw Haw exercising his freedom of speech to support the Nazis in WWII?--he swung at the end of a rope. Any Black man or native that stood up in 1955 and said "Hey this ain't right"? Properly dealt with--if lucky, by the courts. Show up at a rally to protest working conditions in the 20s--good chance you'd end up dead or missing.
These freedom convoy yahoos with their "Canada is a police state" over getting chucked unceremoniously out of Ottawa--they never ben to a protest before, or they'd know if you protest long enough and loud enough you are get a shit-kicking by the cops. been there, done that.
One of the biggest of the Big Lies humans delude themselves with is that "the good ol' days" ever existed. They didn't. Things for different generations might have been more polite, compared to the current era's love of profanity and obscene forms of slang. But socially better? Politically better? Economically better? Nah. It's all a chimera.
What happens is that the individual human, in the Western world anyway, tends to have the best period of their life in their twenties and early thirties. After that things get tense, both personally as they start hitting roadblocks in their life and also externally when their era morphs into something different as the next generation gets more attention and gets more involved. Humans are no different than cats in that change is not wanted and can become a genuine nightmare when it happens too fast and too harshly. That's where you get this "golden age" crap from, people being nostalgic over their youth and turning bitter when they lose it.
The only difference today is that we're still stuck in a moment controlled by the Baby Boomers. Thanks to their numbers and economic sway they've managed to rig the game in their own favour and extend their childhood by a few extra decades. That's how we got stuck with the nonsense of "man, the 1960's and 70's were awesome!" lasting for forty fucking years and being shoved non-stop down everyone else's throats. Having access to a enormous amount of money enabled them to wear out their welcome in a manner that no generation ever before was able to, and probably won't ever again given the dismal future prospects for non-techie Millenials & Zoomers.