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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:57 am

Title: Lawyers for two organizers of trucker convoy attempt to block Ottawa residents from testifying at trial
Category: Law & Order
Posted By: DrCaleb
Date: 2023-09-11 06:47:42

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:57 am

Zexi Li. [drool]

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:15 pm

Screw that. Let them testify as they have valid reason for doing so.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:36 pm

Trying to block the victims of a crime from testifying. Totally a sign of innocence on the accused's part.

Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
Posts: 2949
PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:08 am

Nothing screams kangaroo court more than letting people who had zero interactions with the defendants testify. Think about it. These people that are set to testify had no interactions with the defendants. They never seen them. They never spoke with them. They were never victimized by these defendants in any way whatsoever. So do we get to bring in every swinging dick that had a bad day while the protests were going on? "My car didn't start". "My dog died!" "My toaster broke" "I'm out of creamer". FFS can they be a bigger collection of whiny little bitches?

These defendants are responsible for their behavior only. They are not responsible for any one else who may have been in the area while these protests were going on. Zero interaction with defendants means zero victimization by said defendants. Zero crimes have been committed by these defendants against these "witnesses". These "witnesses" have no more business testifying at this trial than I do. Only witnesses who had a direct interactions with these defendants during the time of the crime (not people who claim that the defendants were mean to them back in kindergarten ) should be allowed to testify. That is if you actually give a shit about the rule of law. This whole proceeding has been one big dog and pony show from day one.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:12 am

rickc rickc:
Nothing screams kangaroo court more than letting people who had zero interactions with the defendants testify.

In keeping with the season, they shot Osama Bin Laden in the face, and he was no where near New York on the 11th of September.

Organizers are responsible for the actions of the Organized. In legal terms, it's 'conspiracy to commit'. You are responsible for the actions of an illegal undertaking that you plan.

Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
Posts: 2949
PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:43 am

DrCaleb DrCaleb:
rickc rickc:
Nothing screams kangaroo court more than letting people who had zero interactions with the defendants testify.

In keeping with the season, they shot Osama Bin Laden in the face, and he was no where near New York on the 11th of September.

Organizers are responsible for the actions of the Organized. In legal terms, it's 'conspiracy to commit'. You are responsible for the actions of an illegal undertaking that you plan.

Well at least you think Osama Bin Laden had something to do with it. [B-o] Not to change the subject but it is actually scary how many people think that the whole thing was an inside job by the U.S. government. I was involved in a discussion about 9/11 the other day. and I was literally the only one that did not think that the entire 9/11 plot was entirely a work of the U.S. government. The only one. I was being ridiculed for being an out of touch fossil. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is a conspiracy these days. I have a healthy mistrust of government but these new levels of paranoia about government are off the hook.

If the organizers were telling the organized to commit crimes than I would agree with you that the organizers should be on the hook. If the people at the event take it upon themselves to break the law, then that should be on them. Take Woodstock 99 for example. I did not hear the organizers of Woodstock 99 telling the participants to sexually assault and rape women. I did not hear them tell anyone to destroy property and commit arson. I personally witnessed these events taking place on my tv, but I did not hear any of the organizers encouraging these unlawful actions. On the contrary, The organizers were trying to calm things down when that Dbag Fred Durst from limp bizkit started riling up the crowd.

The Vancouver Canucks held a hockey game on June 15, 2011. Being a die hard Bruins fan at the time, I watched that game. I do not recall anyone from the team telling people to act like assholes and destroy the city. Just because someone organizes an event should not make them liable for the criminal actions of the people at the event.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:19 am

rickc rickc:
If the organizers were telling the organized to commit crimes than I would agree with you that the organizers should be on the hook.

That's what the trial is for. Look, a 'protest' is when you voice your opinion, then go the fuck home. An 'occupation' is when you say you aren't going to leave till you force the government to change something you have an opinion on. In this case, health mandates that aren't the governments responsibility.* They planned to park their trucks, built daycares, parked RVs, built kitchens and hot tubs. It was not planned to be a protest, but an occupation, from the start.

*And the government of Alberta was found to have interfered in Health matters, against the legislation that governs Health by dropping health mandates in the "best summer ever" that killed hundreds of people.

So the organizers were indeed planning an illegal occupation of city streets. All that the trial is to discover is how much they restricted the rights of residents with their occupation and what the punishment should be.

rickc rickc:
Just because someone organizes an event should not make them liable for the criminal actions of the people at the event.

It absolutely does. If you plan a robbery, and someone gets killed outside the bank, the conspirators are responsible for that murder. 'Conspiracy to commit' includes any wrongdoing that occurs because of illegal actions.

If you were planning a picnic, and a riot breaks out, you are not responsible.

Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
Posts: 2949
PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 9:40 pm

DrCaleb DrCaleb:
rickc rickc:
If the organizers were telling the organized to commit crimes than I would agree with you that the organizers should be on the hook.

That's what the trial is for. Look, a 'protest' is when you voice your opinion, then go the fuck home. An 'occupation' is when you say you aren't going to leave till you force the government to change something you have an opinion on. In this case, health mandates that aren't the governments responsibility.* They planned to park their trucks, built daycares, parked RVs, built kitchens and hot tubs. It was not planned to be a protest, but an occupation, from the start.

*And the government of Alberta was found to have interfered in Health matters, against the legislation that governs Health by dropping health mandates in the "best summer ever" that killed hundreds of people.

So the organizers were indeed planning an illegal occupation of city streets. All that the trial is to discover is how much they restricted the rights of residents with their occupation and what the punishment should be.

I wholly support their right to peacefully assmeble and protest, but I have to ask - what exactly do they want, and how do they plan on getting it?

I haven't figured that out yet. They want "social and fiscal equality" but what is that? Guaranteed income? Flat tax rate? Bread and Circuses?

You said those words on this forum on Oct 18 2011. You said it on page 20 of the Occupy Wall Street Movement spreads to Canada thread. The Occupy movement were not hiding who they were. They were right in your face about who they were, and what they were all about. The word "occupy" says it all. Occupy Toronto. Occupy Montreal. Occupy Calgary, etc., etc.. Everywhere that they went their main goal was to occupy the place, yet you had no problem with a bunch of lefties occupying the entire country. You were not telling them to voice their opinion and then go the fuck home. They could stay until hell froze over and you were perfectly fine with that. I entered the word occupy in the search function. There were 34 matches. I read through all of them from start to finish. At no time did you ever state in any of the threads that it was time for the occupy crowd to go home. So this whole speak your piece and then leave mindset that you voiced today did not apply to lefties back in 2011. The occupy movement went on longer then the trucker convoy. The occupy movement was going on in every major city (and many smaller ones as well ) in Canada. The trucker convoy was basically one city, that being the capitol Ottawa. The entire country was under siege in 2011, yet Harper didn't make you look like a bunch of pussies by invoking the Emergencies Act.

The entire world was not laughing with you, they were laughing at you. Some truckers set up some bouncy houses and you invoke the Emergency Act, seriously? Not one shooting. Not one stabbing. Zero deaths. Zero beatings. No smash and grabs at the stores. No electronic stores being looted. No buildings being burnt to the ground. Some horns and some bouncy rooms eh? I dare say that the good citizens of countless American cities would trade places with the candy asses living in Ottawa any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. Somehow all those cities back in 2011 were able to clear out the riff raff without invoking the Emergencies Act. That speaks to what a bunch of pussies society has turned into since 2011. No one was deep throating trans cock back then. No one was being cancelled. But I digress, you were all about free speech when some lefties wanted to speak back in 2011. You had no problem with protesters occupying cities, lots of them. You only seemed to have a problem with free speech when someone on the right wanted to exercise their rights. You only had a problem with someone occupying a city (one ) when some righties wanted to do some occupying. You see the double standard here? Where were all the trials for the people who organized the occupy movements? I don't recall any of their bank accounts being frozen. Oh thats right, they are lefties. They don't have jobs therefore they don't have bank accounts to freeze. Why weren't all the people all across Canada who had their lives disrupted by the occupy movement asked to testify about their hardships? Oh thats right there weren't any trials. The whole country was disrupted yet a conservative Prime Minister was able to let it go. No Emergencies Act. No frozen bank accounts. No gestapo tactics that make you the laughing stock of the world.

Thats whats wrong with the world today. Now you have a leader that takes his marching orders from some hard core lefty politburo. They have an agenda to push. Anyone who disagrees has to be destroyed. They have weaponized the government to destroy all opposition to the collective. Now the Crown wants to hear from "witnesses" who had their lives disrupted by a protest. Hell the Crown never looked that hard for people who had their lives disrupted when Vancouver was destroyed by assholes after the Cup loss to give their statements. That was REAL damage. Going after a bunch of leftie drunken douchebags didn't really fit the Crown's narrative did it? There were some ACTUAL victims. But hey let some righties set up some bouncy houses and blow some horns and the Crown gets 15 days of calling in whiny candyasses to state their case that they should be on permanent disability due to the trauma that they had been exposed to. It is a double standard for sure.

In 2011 you were for free speech even if it meant occupying. Now you are not. On page 19 of that same thread you were stating that a person could work their way through college. You stated that you worked the night shift six days a week at $8.20 an hour to put yourself through school. You were proud of that fact. What happened to you? Where did that guy go? Gunnair stated the same thing, that he was away from his wife the entire summer to pay his way through college. He worked his ass off while he was going to college and graduated with no debt. Fellow Canadian EyeBrock then congratulates Gunnair on his hard work and his achievement. Where did those Canadians go? Now all I see on here is a bunch of whiny assholes who think that everything should be free. I encourage every one to go back and look at that thread. See how much things have changed around here. There are a handful of hard core lefties on here now that seemed like reasonable people back then. They were people that I would have liked to have a beer with. Three hardcore lefties today that were making fun of the occupy movement back then. Thanos was one of the biggest supporters of the occupy movement back then. Those same people that are hard core lefties now were giving him shit for supporting the occupy movement then. Its like we went through some kind of warp in the space time continuum. Back then Thanos was being ridiculed for supporting a left wing cause. These days he gets treated like he founded the John Birch society and started the tea party. The only real commie we had was Mr. C. The way things are going he probably owns a manufacturing facility in some third world shithole where eight year old kids work 16 hour days 6 days a week. He is probably flying around in a private jet. Probably part owner of a football team.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 33561
PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:04 pm

I was only an ally when I agreed with them, Rick. When I openly dissented from part of the agenda, but not all of it, that was enough for me to get the Plan B treatment. The same thing happens to anyone who deviates in the slightest from what the true ideologues want. Any former friendship with them gets the memory hole treatment. Just the way it is in this world now. Besides, if I'd known back then that Occupy would get, well, occupied in full by Antifa & various university-level communist scum and then be taken wildly off course from its original intentions I would have said nothing in defense or support of them. I would have had to just put it all down as another financial sector hiccup, even if I was personally affected by it, that we have to put up with because the alternative suggestions that we get from the people with the fanatical look in their eyes on how to manage economies are literally so very much worse than what the frat-boy capitalists scheme up.

As for today's left, which is so much more genuinely awful than the left of 2011 ever could have dreamt of being, I'd almost venture to say they deserve another term of Trump, no matter how much I genuinely hate that evil bastard and want to see him die in prison (or by any other means as well if necessary). But that's my emotional side talking. My logical side knows that the first victims of Trump won't be a bunch of internet leftists living safely in Choadville, Canada. It'll be Ukraine that will lose everything when Trump stops all American support to them, goes back to sabotaging NATO even more than he did in his first term, and starts giving his luxurious blowjobs to his boyfriend Putin again. The next American election will probably be the most depressing one yet. It'll be even worse than 2016 & 2020, which is something I didn't think was even possible. And this time it will feature the continued existence of another country, and its freedom-loving people who would rather die than live under Russian tyranny ever again, being caught in the crosshairs depending on who wins it in America. :|

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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Posts: 52847
PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:32 am

rickc rickc:
DrCaleb DrCaleb:
rickc rickc:
If the organizers were telling the organized to commit crimes than I would agree with you that the organizers should be on the hook.

That's what the trial is for. Look, a 'protest' is when you voice your opinion, then go the fuck home. An 'occupation' is when you say you aren't going to leave till you force the government to change something you have an opinion on. In this case, health mandates that aren't the governments responsibility.* They planned to park their trucks, built daycares, parked RVs, built kitchens and hot tubs. It was not planned to be a protest, but an occupation, from the start.

*And the government of Alberta was found to have interfered in Health matters, against the legislation that governs Health by dropping health mandates in the "best summer ever" that killed hundreds of people.

So the organizers were indeed planning an illegal occupation of city streets. All that the trial is to discover is how much they restricted the rights of residents with their occupation and what the punishment should be.

I wholly support their right to peacefully assmeble and protest, but I have to ask - what exactly do they want, and how do they plan on getting it?

I haven't figured that out yet. They want "social and fiscal equality" but what is that? Guaranteed income? Flat tax rate? Bread and Circuses?

You said those words on this forum on Oct 18 2011. You said it on page 20 of the Occupy Wall Street Movement spreads to Canada thread. The Occupy movement were not hiding who they were. They were right in your face about who they were, and what they were all about. The word "occupy" says it all. Occupy Toronto. Occupy Montreal. Occupy Calgary, etc., etc.. Everywhere that they went their main goal was to occupy the place, yet you had no problem with a bunch of lefties occupying the entire country. You were not telling them to voice their opinion and then go the fuck home. They could stay until hell froze over and you were perfectly fine with that. I entered the word occupy in the search function. There were 34 matches. I read through all of them from start to finish. At no time did you ever state in any of the threads that it was time for the occupy crowd to go home. So this whole speak your piece and then leave mindset that you voiced today did not apply to lefties back in 2011. The occupy movement went on longer then the trucker convoy. The occupy movement was going on in every major city (and many smaller ones as well ) in Canada. The trucker convoy was basically one city, that being the capitol Ottawa. The entire country was under siege in 2011, yet Harper didn't make you look like a bunch of pussies by invoking the Emergencies Act.

And . . .? I don't recall the Occupy movement having semi tractors that blared air horns 24/7 so that the nearby residents developed PTSD, and had to dodge the myriad people accosting them for their wearing masks around the unvaccinated. And the Diagolon and Nazis? Were they occupying Wall Street?

From the beginning of the protests, I supported the right of the convoy to protest whatever they want. But as the protest progressed, they lost my support because of their actions during that protest. Thanos saw what happened. It was obvious to anyone following the news. Unbiased news, anyhow.

rickc rickc:
The entire world was not laughing with you, they were laughing at you. Some truckers set up some bouncy houses and you invoke the Emergency Act, seriously? Not one shooting. Not one stabbing. Zero deaths. Zero beatings. No smash and grabs at the stores. No electronic stores being looted. No buildings being burnt to the ground. Some horns and some bouncy rooms eh? I dare say that the good citizens of countless American cities would trade places with the candy asses living in Ottawa any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. Somehow all those cities back in 2011 were able to clear out the riff raff without invoking the Emergencies Act. That speaks to what a bunch of pussies society has turned into since 2011. No one was deep throating trans cock back then. No one was being cancelled. But I digress, you were all about free speech when some lefties wanted to speak back in 2011. You had no problem with protesters occupying cities, lots of them. You only seemed to have a problem with free speech when someone on the right wanted to exercise their rights. You only had a problem with someone occupying a city (one ) when some righties wanted to do some occupying. You see the double standard here? Where were all the trials for the people who organized the occupy movements? I don't recall any of their bank accounts being frozen. Oh thats right, they are lefties. They don't have jobs therefore they don't have bank accounts to freeze. Why weren't all the people all across Canada who had their lives disrupted by the occupy movement asked to testify about their hardships? Oh thats right there weren't any trials. The whole country was disrupted yet a conservative Prime Minister was able to let it go. No Emergencies Act. No frozen bank accounts. No gestapo tactics that make you the laughing stock of the world.

I did all of those things? I approved of all of those things? You seem to read a lot of things into my posts that I have not written. And, no, the country was not disrupted in either case.

rickc rickc:
Thats whats wrong with the world today. Now you have a leader that takes his marching orders from some hard core lefty politburo. They have an agenda to push. Anyone who disagrees has to be destroyed. They have weaponized the government to destroy all opposition to the collective. Now the Crown wants to hear from "witnesses" who had their lives disrupted by a protest. Hell the Crown never looked that hard for people who had their lives disrupted when Vancouver was destroyed by assholes after the Cup loss to give their statements. That was REAL damage. Going after a bunch of leftie drunken douchebags didn't really fit the Crown's narrative did it? There were some ACTUAL victims. But hey let some righties set up some bouncy houses and blow some horns and the Crown gets 15 days of calling in whiny candyasses to state their case that they should be on permanent disability due to the trauma that they had been exposed to. It is a double standard for sure.

Again, reading into my posts things I have not written. You did however read my post regarding 'conspiracy to commit' right? You can have a hockey game, and if a riot breaks out, it's not a crime. If you plan an occupation, then you are responsible for everything that happens. If you don't believe my summation of 'conspiracy to commit', take it from a US based Lawyer:

rickc rickc:
In 2011 you were for free speech even if it meant occupying. Now you are not. On page 19 of that same thread you were stating that a person could work their way through college. You stated that you worked the night shift six days a week at $8.20 an hour to put yourself through school. You were proud of that fact. What happened to you? Where did that guy go?

When have I ever advocated against free speech? The difference, again, was which protests were peaceful. Occupy Wall Street were peaceful protests, the Convoy actually had people with guns and body armour who were planning on killing cops. The question you are not asking is 'why have protests turned violent'. I mean, continue down that page to where they demand the G.G. appoint them to be the real Government of Canada. That was page 2 of a 70 page thread.

And the reason you assume I'm 'not that guy' anymore is the things you assume I write, that I didn't actually write. :idea:

rickc rickc:
Gunnair stated the same thing, that he was away from his wife the entire summer to pay his way through college. He worked his ass off while he was going to college and graduated with no debt. Fellow Canadian EyeBrock then congratulates Gunnair on his hard work and his achievement. Where did those Canadians go?

No idea. I'd like to see them around here too.

rickc rickc:
Now all I see on here is a bunch of whiny assholes who think that everything should be free. I encourage every one to go back and look at that thread. See how much things have changed around here. There are a handful of hard core lefties on here now that seemed like reasonable people back then. They were people that I would have liked to have a beer with. Three hardcore lefties today that were making fun of the occupy movement back then.

Really? Who around here thinks everything should be free? You quoted well from a 12 year old thread, perhaps you could quote some more recent posts that show where that belief comes from.

And why do people have to never change their views? I see that a lot as some form of argument. Isn't that the whole point of argument; to change people's opinions and views?

rickc rickc:
Thanos was one of the biggest supporters of the occupy movement back then. Those same people that are hard core lefties now were giving him shit for supporting the occupy movement then. Its like we went through some kind of warp in the space time continuum. Back then Thanos was being ridiculed for supporting a left wing cause. These days he gets treated like he founded the John Birch society and started the tea party. The only real commie we had was Mr. C. The way things are going he probably owns a manufacturing facility in some third world shithole where eight year old kids work 16 hour days 6 days a week. He is probably flying around in a private jet. Probably part owner of a football team.

I quite agree. I worry about Thanos. He's become very dark lately. And "Public Domain" had a pretty hard childhood. I hope he is flying in a private jet somewhere. [B-o]

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
 Vancouver Canucks

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Posts: 15594
PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:16 pm

rickc rickc:
Now all I see on here is a bunch of whiny assholes who think that everything should be free.

I find that statement offensive.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 33561
PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:52 pm

The darkness consumes all in due time. There's actually a lot less light out there now than there was in 2011. As the old quote from when World War One broke out is still apt, in a paraphrased form to reflect the modern moment - the lights are going out all across my civilization and I will not see any of them get re-lit during the rest of my lifetime.

When I was younger I used to wonder weird philosophical things, like whether it would be more interesting to live in a time where a society & civilization was growing or when it was collapsing. Considering that we clearly live in the latter, when the jagged rocks at the bottom of the pit are getting closer & closer with every passing moment, I have to say the decline is very interesting in a disgusting & terrifying way. But that interesting atmosphere comes with a price in that it makes you feel like you've been thoroughly drained by the most malevolent psychic vampires imaginable. So I much rather would have preferred to have been alive when our civilization was strong, when our people weren't on their knees all the time stricken with undeserved guilt & issuing endless pathetic apologies. And, even more so, I much rather would have preferred to live in a time when the absolute freakish worst among us weren't propelled into some sort of sacred status of divine victimhood and where our alleged "oppression" of them got turned into an entitlement for them to do whatever they want whenever they want as some sickening form of reparations. So, yes, give me the days of Augustus or Marcus Aurelius instead because, as opposed to being stuck in the times of Caligula or Elagabalus, when your leaders are builders you feel clean & hopeful and not like you've been forced to bathe in the fluids typically found only in a sewer.

And Occupy turned plenty violent later on, after it had been hijacked by the Bernie Bros, Antifa, and BLM. Twenty five dead during the George Floyd riots and for some reason those lives aren't considered to have been snuffed out by militant extremism or so-called "domestic terrorism". Whatever. :roll:

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