PimpBrewski123 PimpBrewski123:
Polls, sure is funny how polls can be manipulated to represent whatever the pollster (firm) wants.
The best poll is an election. That's right, I went there.

Polling firms often run what are called 'push polls' that push a predetermined outcome by creating loaded questions that often don't have options that allow responses outside of what's wanted.
The effect that I've observed over the years is that polling data in the USA is predictably pro-Democrat in the year prior to an election but if the actual results are pro-Republican you'll see the results shift to the truth as the election draws near. That's why I'm thinking Obama's goose is cooked and that's because the polls that should show him leading Romney by 10pts right now (New York Times, MSNBC, etc.) show him behind or in a dead heat. When they can be historically counted upon to give the Democrat a 10pt handicap at this time before an election I'd say that this is nothing but bad news for Obama.