Scape Scape:
The comment section on the YT alone is exhibit A on why this was needed. The whips and the leaders of the parties are not going to enforce decorum when the base is chomping at the bit for no holds barred tactics and it has infested all sides for a very long time now. Question period has become a total shit show and the fish rots from the head. ALL of the parties need a penalty box to chill the fuck out. The constant cat calls and lude remarks and personal attacks are WAY out of hand and expulsions are in order. Before that happens the ground rules need to be read. Next is enforcement and the speaker should be ruthless.
I don't watch Question period as it's bad enough to see highlights and it pisses me off to hear them trying to out-shout each other and hurl insults. The MP's we send to Ottawa are there to
represent the constituency in which the majority of elected them. It should be taken into voter consideration those that behave badly, although it sounds sometimes like the whole lot should be fired as in normal workplace settings acting like a spoiled child is not acceptable.