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Posts: 65472
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:12 pm
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstop ... phemy.html$1: Christian woman sentenced to death in Pakistan 'for blasphemy' A Christian woman has been sentenced to hang in Pakistan after being convicted of defaming the Prophet Mohammed.
By Rob Crilly in Islamabad and Aoun Sahi in Lahore 5:36PM GMT 09 Nov 2010
Asia Bibi, a 45-year-old mother-of-five, denies blasphemy and told investigators that she was being persecuted for her faith in a country where Christians face routine harassment and discrimination. Asia Bibi has been sentenced to death 'for blasphemy' Christian groups and human rights campaigners condemned the verdict and called for the blasphemy laws to be repealed.
Her supporters say she will now appeal against the sentence handed down in a local court in the town of Sheikhupura, near Lahore, Pakistan.
Ashiq Masih, her husband, said he had not had the heart to break the news to two of their children.
"I haven't told two of my younger daughters about the court's decision," he said. "They asked me many times about their mother but I can't get the courage to tell them that the judge has sentenced their mother to capital punishment for a crime she never committed." Mrs Bibi has been held in prison since June last year.
The court heard she had been working as a farmhand in fields with other women, when she was asked to fetch drinking water.
Some of the other women – all Muslims – refused to drink the water as it had been brought by a Christian and was therefore "unclean", according to Mrs Bibi's evidence, sparking a row.
The incident was forgotten until a few days later when Mrs Bibi said she was set upon by a mob.
The police were called and took her to a police station for her own safety.
Shahzad Kamran, of the Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan, said: "The police were under pressure from this Muslim mob, including clerics, asking for Asia to be killed because she had spoken ill of the Prophet Mohammed.
"So after the police saved her life they then registered a blasphemy case against her." He added that she had been held in isolation for more than a year before being sentenced to death on Monday.
"The trial was clear," he said. "She was innocent and did not say those words." Earlier this year, Pakistan's internet service providers were ordered to block Facebook to prevent access to supposedly blasphemous images.
Human rights groups believe the law is often used to discriminate against religious minorities, such as the country's estimated three million Christians.
Although no one has ever been executed under Pakistan's blasphemy laws – most are freed on appeal – as many as 10 people are thought to have been murdered while on trial.
Ali Hasan Dayan, of Human Rights Watch, said the blasphemy laws were out of step with rights guaranteed under Pakistan's constitution and should be repealed.
"It's an obscene law," he said. "Essentially the blasphemy law is used as a tool of persecution and to settle other scores that are nothing to do with religion.
"It makes religious minorities particularly vulnerable because it's often used against them."

Posts: 11234
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:52 pm
So much for multi-culturalism in Pakistan, but they want to do it here.
Posts: 42160
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:12 pm
Well I don't believe Jesus was God and that he and Mary Magdalen made the two backed beast. I also believe Mohammed was kiddy diddling charlatan. I'm neither a Christian, nor am I a Muslim, so how could I blaspheme if I'm not a member of either religion. Neither Christians nor Jews accept Mohammed as a a prohet, or part of their tradition, so blasphemy can't apply.
It's quite acceptable for people to wear t shirts ridiculing Jesus or other religious figures in our society. maybe the Mohammedans need to realize we can make fun of their founder too. If we all start wearing them...are they going to kill us all??
Last edited by ShepherdsDog on Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 21614
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:16 pm
Most are freed on appeal, but it's seemed fit to kill this woman?
disgusting law.
Posts: 1681
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:34 pm
Mr_Canada Mr_Canada: Most are freed on appeal, but it's seemed fit to kill this woman?
disgusting law. Religious law is always disgusting. Islam just takes the cake
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:34 pm
Such nice people our troops are dying for. I don't know about the rest of you by having this particular country as a lynchpin 'ally' really leaves me with the warm-n-fuzzies. 
Posts: 42160
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:47 am
sort leaves me feeling nauseous with a nasty burning itch....but in a good way
Posts: 4235
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:07 am
It is quite fucked up isn't it. Sadly thing kind of shit is not uncommon. I hope this isn't actually carried out and someone steps in. The funny thing is there is no such "Islamic law" of anykind. And as already said how can this be considered blasphemy when she is Christian ?
Mostly its the doing of illitrate tribals seeking vengence or plain and simple intolerance. Pakistan, near the verge of becomming a failed state.
Also I'm sure many have heard this or might even believe it that apotasy in Islam is punishable by death, so I'll take sometime to address that issue aswell as I know people will soon start on about it.
There is no complusion is Islam, and one is free to come and go as one pleases without any retribution. How ever there is capital punishment for treason as in many countries today including the US.
For this to be applied a lot of criteria have to be met. First of all it has to be an Islamic state, one does not exist today so that just goes out of the window right there. Second one can leave Islam, there is absolutely no problem with that. But once an indivudual does so and then speaks out against it while living in the aforementioned Islamic state, and since it is an Islamic state that is akin to treason. Depending on exactly and severity of what has been said, now I'm not any Islamic jurist so I cannot comment on that. But how ever if he/she leaves and goes to any other country which is not an Islamic state, one is free to do as they will, ofcourse within the laws of that country.
Also one does not have to be an apostate to be convicted of treason, could very well be a Muslim who has commited acts of treason.
Now what goes on in the world is a different issue altoghter like this case.
Also this was just a FYI. I will not debate religion as nothing good ever comes out of those discussions here and usually end up in mud slinging and flame ons.
Posts: 42160
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:03 am
Maybe if you ask really nice India will take you back.
Posts: 4235
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:15 am
Maybe if we ask even nicer, UK will 
Posts: 15681
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:12 am
desertdude desertdude: Maybe if we ask even nicer, UK will  Well, there are nearly 3 million Pakistanis in the UK as it is.......and the 'cultural enclaves' get bigger everytime I go back.
Posts: 4765
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:21 am
And terorism controll becames harder 
Posts: 42160
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:32 am
Well Eye, if you took over the administration of Pakistan you could repatriate the Pakistani population, currently residing in Britain, back to their homeland.
Posts: 15681
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:05 am
Nah, I left the sinking ship of HMS Great Britain. I'm much happier in Canada. The UK is fucked and they fucked it up themselves.
Posts: 65472
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:54 am
EyeBrock EyeBrock: desertdude desertdude: Maybe if we ask even nicer, UK will  Well, there are nearly 3 million Pakistanis in the UK as it is.......and the 'cultural enclaves' get bigger everytime I go back. Yeah, I was going to say - I think Pakistan will shortly annex the UK. 
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