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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:29 am

I have a neighbour who's niece was killed last year, and the police won't investigate. That really rubbed me the wrong way.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:49 am

housewife housewife:
I’m of two minds on all this reaction. Everyone is reacting like they finally get it but it’s just the tip of the shit pile. The pile didn’t stop stuff is still happening CPS is still taking kids!! The Indian agents were still around in the 60’s and yeah by then it was harder then for them to be petty dictators but shit still happened. I remember as a kid hearing of one quietly removed because he was raping in a government owned vehicle. I don’t have any faith that he was changed. Kids are still dying, police are still refusing to take reports and people say oh no it couldn’t be because they are native. A young girl disappeared she had good grades was in the cadets was planning on going reg once she graduated. No one would take the report!! It’s been years she didn’t run away she took no money nothing. She’s one of the missing. Or the mother told that she couldn’t report her daughter missing “she’s probably out partying” she is part of the murdered. This shit is still happening a disaster in the 40’s the everyone in the area was helped by the government but then the Indian agents says to the reserve that aid was your settlement for the land. Years later the government says it was a deal. Was there more to the deal? Did the Indian agents steal the real settlement? Who knows who cares? All we hear is well it didn’t happen in my life and you know what we don’t care there’s no recourse for our grievances. The residential schools were closed in the 90’s. There’s a lot of people who still remember. Or the reserves still fighting for clean drinking water. Hell I’m still not sure if my grandmother’s first name was given to her by her parents or the school. Fun fact instead of dealing with having a large group with the same name they changed it. The attending medical personnel filled out and filed the paperwork for births. It was a great game to make the names funny. Not to mention the guy who died waiting in the er cause everyone thought he was drunk. This shit is still happening all over Canada today. And we get “oh no that was a long time ago, I didn’t have anything to do with treats or the treatment of natives. It’s not happening today”. Or the ever popular they just want money throw some more money on the problem. FFS where do you think the northern reserves learnt the dictatorship concept from. There was a power void and someone stepped in and did what he was taught. But as pointed out already the news cycle will turn to something else the next unmarked graves will get less news coverage the third will get even less until it’s just a footnote story. And we will be back to people saying I don’t understand the natives get everything why are they so mad. How much more do they want we can’t just keep throwing money at them. Why don’t they just leave? And other unhelpful shit.

You do realize that many are too afraid to ask for help right? My niece asked for help they took the baby she was young and native. Funny how once he was in the system they said with his medical problems and feeding tube I need help and got it!!!! She did get him back but it was a fight. These stories are echoed everywhere and the moral of the story is always you will be crushed. Very few have happy endings. It’s frustrating to see that it was a surprise to so many

Thank you for sharing this.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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Posts: 52846
PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:50 am

If you go back to the origins of the Northwest Mounted Police, and later the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; they were formed to oppress First Nations and destroy their culture for the Crown.

That seems to be what they continue to do.

Forum Elite
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Posts: 1465
PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:13 am

housewife housewife:
I’m of two minds on all this reaction. Everyone is reacting like they finally get it but it’s just the tip of the shit pile. The pile didn’t stop stuff is still happening CPS is still taking kids!! The Indian agents were still around in the 60’s and yeah by then it was harder then for them to be petty dictators but shit still happened. I remember as a kid hearing of one quietly removed because he was raping in a government owned vehicle. I don’t have any faith that he was changed. Kids are still dying, police are still refusing to take reports and people say oh no it couldn’t be because they are native. A young girl disappeared she had good grades was in the cadets was planning on going reg once she graduated. No one would take the report!! It’s been years she didn’t run away she took no money nothing. She’s one of the missing. Or the mother told that she couldn’t report her daughter missing “she’s probably out partying” she is part of the murdered. This shit is still happening a disaster in the 40’s the everyone in the area was helped by the government but then the Indian agents says to the reserve that aid was your settlement for the land. Years later the government says it was a deal. Was there more to the deal? Did the Indian agents steal the real settlement? Who knows who cares? All we hear is well it didn’t happen in my life and you know what we don’t care there’s no recourse for our grievances. The residential schools were closed in the 90’s. There’s a lot of people who still remember. Or the reserves still fighting for clean drinking water. Hell I’m still not sure if my grandmother’s first name was given to her by her parents or the school. Fun fact instead of dealing with having a large group with the same name they changed it. The attending medical personnel filled out and filed the paperwork for births. It was a great game to make the names funny. Not to mention the guy who died waiting in the er cause everyone thought he was drunk. This shit is still happening all over Canada today. And we get “oh no that was a long time ago, I didn’t have anything to do with treats or the treatment of natives. It’s not happening today”. Or the ever popular they just want money throw some more money on the problem. FFS where do you think the northern reserves learnt the dictatorship concept from. There was a power void and someone stepped in and did what he was taught. But as pointed out already the news cycle will turn to something else the next unmarked graves will get less news coverage the third will get even less until it’s just a footnote story. And we will be back to people saying I don’t understand the natives get everything why are they so mad. How much more do they want we can’t just keep throwing money at them. Why don’t they just leave? And other unhelpful shit.

You do realize that many are too afraid to ask for help right? My niece asked for help they took the baby she was young and native. Funny how once he was in the system they said with his medical problems and feeding tube I need help and got it!!!! She did get him back but it was a fight. These stories are echoed everywhere and the moral of the story is always you will be crushed. Very few have happy endings. It’s frustrating to see that it was a surprise to so many

Thank you for sharing this. That's what so many non-Native folks don't realize here-Indigenous people have been putting up with this shit for centuries.

I'll cross-post it to this forum when it runs in my local paper next week, but my next op-ed column is going to be about why the Native calls for change have been enduring for centuries, and they've been remarkably consistent for all that time.

Forum Super Elite
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Posts: 2827
PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:44 am

Thanks for reading. They are all open secrets but unless you live it or close to it it’s hard to understand. It’s hard for me to realize that you don’t know the stories and don’t realize they were still happening today. So much has changed and yet nothing has changed. I just hope that these things don’t get forgotten or buried on the back page as more graves are found. Maybe people will start to understand why so many people are screaming mad and frustrated.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 12:31 pm

Been up here for almost 35 years, seen to much shit to accept a lot of this whining as absolute truth.
Most (almost all) of children - native or not - are "taken away" are because their parents are absolute fucking wastes of skin. Many people I know including myself had dealings due to rotten teenage phases, and none of them had kids "taken", they usually got assistance by kids getting counselling.
My friends runs a very big NGO family service agency run by and for natives (but not just for) and there's damn good reason for some kids to be taken off reserve.
- the kids are in danger, you can't have them where the abusive parents are going to be encountered daily on a small reserve.
- unfortunately, due to reality and not racism, there's more people in stable and financial circumstances that are not native.
- the prementioned agency, and the school do not in any way remove them from their culture. They offer classes, outings, their language training and more to all these kids. The fosters must comply
- kids are escprted by social workers and their fosters to ceremonies, events, etc. both on and off reserve.

I look at the 30 something meth heads next door, who've had their kids taken away twice since they moved here and neither kid is even school age. Mom's white. Dad's Metis.
I see my native friends who raised their grand-daughter since birth because their daughter a total fuckup druggie and moved 400 miles away to be with her fuckup abusive boyfriend. They drive that kid all the way out there several times a year for visitations, take time off from work to do so and stay in a motel and drive her back. I keep forgetting that they're the grandparents and not her Mom and Dad. Thwyve' built the kid an education fund bigger than my RRSP ever was.
People can only do what they CAN do and learn as they do so, and I'm getting tired of the whining that they aren't doing everything, perfectly, instantly, without ever experiencing it before. And be clear, I'm not excusing mistakes of the past and refusing to see them. Fix things that are broken and don't repeat mistakes.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Toronto Maple Leafs
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:43 pm

DrCaleb DrCaleb:
If you go back to the origins of the Northwest Mounted Police, and later the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; they were formed to oppress First Nations and destroy their culture for the Crown.

That seems to be what they continue to do.

The RC's are kinda useless. I used to have to call them when I managed security for a mall. They were clueless when it came to retail crime.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:48 pm

housewife housewife:
Thanks for reading. They are all open secrets but unless you live it or close to it it’s hard to understand. It’s hard for me to realize that you don’t know the stories and don’t realize they were still happening today. So much has changed and yet nothing has changed. I just hope that these things don’t get forgotten or buried on the back page as more graves are found. Maybe people will start to understand why so many people are screaming mad and frustrated.

Your contribution is very valuable to the discussion in this thread. Thank you for sharing your personal experience though I'm sure it is painful to do so.

It's also wonderful to see you in this forum again after being absent for so long!

Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:27 pm

Thanks Strutz. It’s nice to see everyone again.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:36 pm

herbie herbie:
My friends runs a very big NGO family service agency run by and for natives (but not just for) and there's damn good reason for some kids to be taken off reserve.

It's not that kids have to be taken out of very severe circumstances, it's the lack of effort to try to bring them back. Kids get removed, grow up in foster care, then get dumped on the streets not knowing who they are or where they come from. No one revisits the parents to see if the initial problem is gone, and if the kids can come back.

Forum Super Elite
Forum Super Elite
Posts: 2827
PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 7:40 am

herbie I realize I didn’t explain my niece was sent home with a baby who’s stomach was not attached to his esophagus. She had to connect a machine to the abdomen to feed him. She had to fill the machine watch the feeding clean the machine sterilize the machine then she had 20 minutes before she had to start again. She didn’t have any time to sleep she was worried about the baby she didn’t have time to do anything. She was expected to keep that schedule 24/7. She said “I need help I can’t do this alone” they took the baby!!! Once he was in care they organized help! He was taken because she was young native and he was high risk. No one can by themselves keep up that schedule and live. And even though he’s in a good home they have not fallen of the radar. It’s been years! The baby is a teenager and doing fine. Meanwhile I can think of one family I know that fell off the radar in my town even though the mother has a scary mental illness and has lost the kids before. School isn’t reporting CAS seems to have forgotten that they gave 3 kids back to her!

CKA Elite
CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 8:17 am

DrCaleb DrCaleb:
If you go back to the origins of the Northwest Mounted Police, and later the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; they were formed to oppress First Nations and destroy their culture for the Crown.



CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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Posts: 11782
PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 11:15 am

The reason some of this happens is they simply can't provide many of the services on rez. Hell, the biggest one here is right next to town, across the street. They have their own Health Center a block from the town's Clinic. And together, they can't provide a lot of services. I spend more time on the medical expenses (mileage, motels, meals) part of the tax return than anything else.
I know several foster parents here, some kids come back to visit them in their 30s, university grads, hydro workers... they moved away to where jobs and colleges were, not back to the reserve.
One couple had a foster with deformities, dozens of trips for surgeries and treatments, medi-flights to Vancouver Children's Hospital. He is still with them, now in High School on the Honour Roll. The likelihood of him moving back to a place population 80 and 200 miles in the bush and no prospects for work are about zero.
Watch Bill Maher this week, he makes a good point. Yes, this shit happened. It isn't happening now and things have got better. You can't look at history and the present and claim zero progress has been made.

Forum Super Elite
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:36 pm

That’s all well and good herbie but she was living in the greater Vancouver area. She hadn’t told me what was going on or I would have found a way to get there. She did get him back his stomach was attached but there were complications so more surgeries. She was very strong and the fear that all the extra surgeries had compromised mobility and cognitive abilities was thankful baseless. He’s actually very active. She is out of BC now but the first thing that happened after the move was a visit by social services which is BS! Makes as much sense as my son being stopped by the cops for walking while native. He was on his way home from work looking and smelling like he’d just left a kitchen!! Then had to deal with the last name problem. If I knew then what I do now we wouldn’t have moved to this place! Or stuck around.

CKA Moderator
CKA Moderator
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 6:12 am

DrCaleb DrCaleb:
If you go back to the origins of the Northwest Mounted Police, and later the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; they were formed to oppress First Nations and destroy their culture for the Crown.



Roll your eyes all you want, but you can't ignore the truth. ... ationship/

Well, yes YOU can, you do it all the time.

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