herbie herbie:
Comes down to understandable reasons.
Not one of the people in Parliament, nor anyone else in Canada would've immediately thought of doing a background check on some old guy who'd lived in Canada long before any of you were even born.
The massive historical ignorance of those who do not know that Stalin starved, murdered and sent to Siberia millions of Ukrainians. Many saw Germany as the best way to free themselves at the time. My God, will they condemn the Finns next?
(Yes, they should if they joined an SS division)
Rota has resigned, and attempting to blame Trudeau for not being the one single guy to check beforehand is bullshit.
Look up the Deschanes Commission from 1986, one of Canada's more pathetic attempts to look like we were going to do something to correct a really bad misstep that turned into another one of our laughable nothingburgers. The government back then concretely knew that the Canadian authorities at the end of World War Two did a piss-poor job on screening refugees of fighting age from Eastern Europe - the multiple Nuremburg Trials had already sufficiently established that the Germans had widespread support across Eastern Europe and that thousands of Baltic, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Croatian, and Romanian military auxiliaries & civilians had voluntarily helped commit innumerable atrocities. They might have not known specifically at the moment what the 14th Waffen SS "Galician" division had done on the eastern front. But the fact that they fought for the Third Reich not as members of the Wehrmacht regular forces (who also committed endless atrocities of their own BTW without any prodding from the SS, despite what any of the ridiculous myths about the "clean" Wehrmacht that are still going around might contend) but as an SS unit of the same type that had committed major atrocities in France (see Oradour Sur Glane), as well as illegal executions of captured Canadian soldiers, in Normandy should have raised all sorts of alarms when the remnants of the 14th SS surrendered to the British in Austria.
Further still, it was later revealed that the commission withheld evidence and ignored the findings of other war crimes trials, such as the Nuremberg trials. The commission's decision to find the Waffen-SS 14th Galicia Division not guilty of collective war crimes was particularly controversial, as the SS had already been determined to have committed war crimes as an organization at earlier war crimes trials. It is thus difficult to determine whether the commission's conclusion that the number of suspected war criminals who either had or were residing in Canada was in fact exaggerated, given how much potential evidence wasn't considered.[9]
By contrast, experts in the field have long argued that Canada had an open door to war criminals, and that the country did far too little to prosecute the alleged war criminals and collaborators who had found refuge there. Historian Irving Abella stated to Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes it was relatively easy for former SS members to enter Canada, as their distinctive tattoos meant they were reliably anti-Communist.[10] Bernie Farber, then the director of the Canadian Jewish Congress, stated Nazis in Canada, of which there were estimated to be 3,000, was Canada's 'dirty little secret'. In the late-1990s, the issue of war criminals living in Canada, and the Canadian government's lack of interest in searching for and prosecuting these individuals, was the subject of investigative reporting by NBC, CBS, the CBC, Global Television, and the New York Times.[
All of this is on Canada's shameful record, and the Deschanes Commission arbitrarily deciding that soldiers from the 14th SS should not be held liable for the atrocities committed by the unit was utterly baffling. That it's blown up in Canada's face almost forty years after that commission finalized its dubious work is merely a much-delayed karmic condemnation finally happening for the pathetic decades-long Canadian response to Nazis & foreign allies of the Third Reich being allowed to live here thanks entirely to our government's indifference to the issue. When it got found out in the late 1990's and early 2000's that some of the murderers who perpetrated the mass killings in Rwanda were living in Canada it really should have been no surprise at all. Canada's lack of diligence in screening immigrants for crimes against humanity had already been entrenched by the allowance of scum from World War Two to come here & live in safety far away from ever facing consequences for their crimes.
And do you know who the main victims of the 14th SS actually were? They occasionally did actually fight against Soviet regular forces during the long Nazi retreat from the east. And they really didn't kill any Jews either, but that was only because all the Jews who had formerly resided near the unit's path of retreat from western Ukraine to Austria had long since already been exterminated by the machinery of the Holocaust. But the 14th did kill lots of the Poles they encountered on their route, multiple thousands of them in fact. And, as per the usual excuse offered of "being low on ammunition", they didn't shoot them. They crowded them by the hundreds into buildings like barns, chained the doors shut, and then set the place on fire in order to burn them all alive. What few bullets fired during these murders were used only on anyone who managed to get out of the burning structures, but beating these people to death with rifle butts or clubs or trench shovels instead worked just as well.
This is a genuine disgusting mess, another stupid scandal that should cost the Liberals the next election. And Rota's resignation shouldn't bring it to an end either - that would be Canada just sweeping the mess under the rug again, something this country has become far too comfortable with doing over our history. That some people right now would rather play "yeah, but Poilievre...." in order to give some sort of cover for the Liberal's latest major fuck-up with it just makes it stink that much more.