OnTheIce OnTheIce:
kenmore kenmore:
A contract is between the employer and the union (workers) contracts usally contain perks to help with hiring and retention of good employees. Some, I agree can be a bit out there.
Does little to keep good employees, as the good employees get pissed off that the union keeps the useless people around who do less but get the same pay as you.
That used to really piss me off too! I worked hard for ten years to achieve my 'Masters Ticket' in my trade, buying all the equipment, constantly keeping up with the changes in the industry attending trade seminars at my own expense etc., yet was seeing that goofs who only had even less than 1 year experience, and dick-all for equipment, were hiring themselves out to be 'installers', and were doing incredibally sub-standard work, and being paid the same rate I was paid, or often will do the job for less money than a qualified tradesman, which artificially keeps the rates low. I turned that situation to my advantage. I no longer do the 'run of the mill' jobs, and when I do price out a job I make it
well worth my while. Quite often I hear " I've been told that your work is exceptional, but your quote is just way too high. Sorry". This is actually a statement that
I like to hear!The 'cheaper guy' does the job and of course usually fucks it up. That's when I get called again to 'make things right'! "You wanted 'cheap' you got 'cheap'! Then I
hit 'em where it hurts! Who's sorry now??? I can earn more in 1/2 day fixing fuck-ups done by 'wanna be's' than I could earn working 12-14 hr days.
I also get hired and paid very well to just supervise jobs, and make sure that standards are being met or exceeded. And I have high standards!