-Mario- -Mario-:
It doesn't matter what we post.... its about the money.
LOL Do you really think Gibson was going to make this much. ?
How many Hollywood actors would pay out of their pocket to make a movie? NONE
He had planned this 10 years ago; it's something he believed in.
Mel Gibson couldn't find anyone to make "The Passion of the Christ," so he put up $25 million of his own money to produce it.
He couldn't find a major distributor for it, either, and was forced to accept an offer from little but scrappy Newmarket Films. Now I'm told that Newmarket is putting all marketing and distribution costs on Gibson. The price tag just for that: nearly another $25 million.
Traditionally Hollywood considers anyone who puts his own money into financing a movie to be a sucker (or, I believe, in Aramaic "an investor"). The name of the game is to use other people's money to finance your movie. Although Hollywood superstars and high profile filmmakers often talk about pet projects they'd love to bring to the screen, they almost never dip into their own bank accounts to make them. If they talked to their accountants, as Gibson seems to have done, they'd understand that with their considerable incomes the tax losses from one failed film would simply offset other earnings. Of course, if the film didn't fail, they'd wind up owning the equivalent of a gold mine.