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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Ottawa Senators

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:55 am

Burfi, Laddhu's, and Kala Jamun are amazingly good...

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:23 am

Hey Arctic,

Goyza, I now that dish as pronounced "jeeow-Za" . A funny thing happened to myself and a couple other Canucks spending the day pedaling around the streets of Dongying. We stopped at a restraunt we heard had great goyza.

We ordered goyza, but each time we ordered something that all other resteraunts carried like green beans or shredded potatoes the waitress said no they don't it.

So the fellow who was trying to order says to us, "It looks like all they have is goyza, goyza, goyza, goyza, goyza and goyza!"

The waitress left and began bringing dish after dish of different goyza. Sure enough she stopped after seven. His first order and the 6 after.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:52 am

Sapper Sapper:
Hey Arctic,

Goyza, I now that dish as pronounced "jeeow-Za" . A funny thing happened to myself and a couple other Canucks spending the day pedaling around the streets of Dongying. We stopped at a restraunt we heard had great goyza.

We ordered goyza, but each time we ordered something that all other resteraunts carried like green beans or shredded potatoes the waitress said no they don't it.

So the fellow who was trying to order says to us, "It looks like all they have is goyza, goyza, goyza, goyza, goyza and goyza!"

The waitress left and began bringing dish after dish of different goyza. Sure enough she stopped after seven. His first order and the 6 after.

did you mean gyoza? the japanese version of chinese jiaozi? if yes, then she cheated on you! only seven???!!! a crappy place you dropped in, man! :lol: there are hundreds of different kinds of jiaozi!

CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:56 am

Sapper Sapper:
Ok, I realize I may be accused of narcoposting or what ever you call it but I had a meal I thought you might be interested in.

It was 1994 and I was working for a company called Canadian Fracmaster. We performed some test fracs (oil well production enhancement) in China for various Chinese Production areas. I was following behind the frac crew monitoring the affectiveness of the treatments and so most of the time I was on my own.

The Chinese love to have banquets. I became accusted to eating all kinds of things I'd never considered food before; Locusts, scorpion, baby birds, sparrows, to name a few. I've a pretty iron gut and don't mind trying new things. Most were actually pretty good. At one such banquet I thought I was eating some type of tripe. It was prepared with spices and was actually pretty good. I asked my translator Mr. John what it was.

Mr. John said," It's ah, ... ah part of a cow."

"What part of a cow Mr. John?" I asked.

Mr. John looked a little uneasy but replied, "ah... ahh, it's from down there." He pointed to his crotch.

"The utter, Mr. John?"

"No Mr. Mark" , he replied.

I'm thinking I don't want to know what it was if it wsasn't the utter and it was in the crotch region of a cow now.

But Mr. John stammered on, "It's ah,... ah... ah... the penis."

"Oh Mr. John, then you are wrong." I said.

"It's part of the bull not the cow."

hahaha! when i started studying chinese our teacher tried to teach us how to cook it. Chinese phonetics is pretty complicated, and at first we were sure we got something wrong... we just couldn't believe the guy was telling the teens how to cook a bull's penis! a real chinese he was - simple like mother-nature! :lol:

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 Toronto Maple Leafs
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:37 am

did you mean gyoza? the japanese version of chinese jiaozi? if yes, then she cheated on you! only seven???!!! a crappy place you dropped in, man! there are hundreds of different kinds of jiaozi!

Oh they had plenty more different dishes of jiozi or dumplings but you see he only said it six times after his first order. Two, three dishes maximum would have been enough.

Chinese phonetics is pretty complicated

You got that right! I tried learning it from the girl bartender and her friend at a bar everyone called "The Canadian Bar" because we we their best customers.

I learned how to ask for all kinds of different food and how to order the green bottled Ting Dao (sp) beer.

Unfortunately, I learned it with a Dongying accent and when I ordered a beer in Beijing I just got blank stares. I tried it out at the Hard Rock in Beijing and after about three tries the waiter just said, "Look! Can I get you a beer?"

CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 6:31 am

Sapper Sapper:
did you mean gyoza? the japanese version of chinese jiaozi? if yes, then she cheated on you! only seven???!!! a crappy place you dropped in, man! there are hundreds of different kinds of jiaozi!

Oh they had plenty more different dishes of jiozi or dumplings but you see he only said it six times after his first order. Two, three dishes maximum would have been enough.

Chinese phonetics is pretty complicated

You got that right! I tried learning it from the girl bartender and her friend at a bar everyone called "The Canadian Bar" because we we their best customers.

I learned how to ask for all kinds of different food and how to order the green bottled Ting Dao (sp) beer.

Unfortunately, I learned it with a Dongying accent and when I ordered a beer in Beijing I just got blank stares. I tried it out at the Hard Rock in Beijing and after about three tries the waiter just said, "Look! Can I get you a beer?"

:lol: yeah! better learn mandarin! by the way, in Ningbo there's a canadian bar "Le Cargo"!

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 6:52 am

It was some time ago. Now I'm in Russia. Much easier language to learn.

CKA Elite
CKA Elite
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 6:56 am

Sapper Sapper:
It was some time ago. Now I'm in Russia. Much easier language to learn.

действительно? было бы интересно проверить! :wink:

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 Toronto Maple Leafs
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:41 am

действительно? было бы интересно проверить!

Desvitelno, actually?? Blo b intersno interesting proverit. to know.

Really? It would be interesting to know ot to check.

It took me a bit. Not the conversation I hear everyday. Mine has more Blat and Hooey in it.

Ludi ponimayu mugu Russkiski no menya nikagda ne izutchali.

I can read it but I can only type it phonetically. Hope it makes sense.

Yes I probably talk baby talk. Are you a linguist?

Guidiya vash dom?

Posts: 19
PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:26 am

I was in Holland summer of 2002 and the only way the family i was staying with there would let me in was to eat Pickelled Herring (spelling..?? lol..) it was horrible... however unique all in the same sense..

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:57 pm


I eat pickled herring all the time when I'm home. I was introduced to it by my father. I suspect he grew up with as he came from near Gimli Man, but he may also have aquired a taste for when he was with the Canadians in holland. I always have a jar of it in the fridge; much to my wife's chagrin.

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