Have you ever tasted or drank anything from your host country that made you say "never again"
Living in a country that
herring is the staple diet, I've tasted some really odd (to me) regional foods that the Swedes drool over.
1) Smoked Eel ... just nasty stuff
2) Caviar ... too fishy for my taste, thou Swedes enjoy it on eggs.
3) Raindeer/Moose/Hare ... don't eat meat that much, thou Moose meat is nice.
4) Cray Fish ... enjoy crawdads in Aug. with the party.
5) Surströmming
Rotten Herring or
read here ... never never will I try or come near this stuff GROSS
6) Lytfisk ...
here ... nope not me I'll never try this again
There one thing I do love & the Swedes do it right is Swedish Coffee 
I know understand why my husband calls N.American coffee coloured water.