Gunnair Gunnair:
ShepherdsDog penned:
While the MacDonalds all scream like wee girls.
Calling bullshit here. A Campbell has never made a girl, let alone a Mac Donald girl, scream.
A. We make
women moan with pleasure.
B. Campbells stick to human females, not related to them by blood. We tried to help clean up the MacDonald wading gene pool, but they just stole anything not nailed down, from their Campbell benefactors/kin.
C. You are the only clan that mistakes bleats of terror for screams of delight. Everyone used to wonder why you didn't shear your sheep and sell the wool, now we know it's to provide you guys with a firm hold. By the way they're only supposed to be used for meat and wool(wool in the form of clothing, not heavy body hair that is the result of a non human gene).