GreenTiger GreenTiger:
There is a lot of history there and it is a beatiful place. I'm always humbled when I see graves of WW II dead. They saved the world.
The TWGPP asked me to photograph all 60 casualties in Cagliari,
as part of their project.
http://twgpp.orgAnd I had requests for photos from another forum I visit.
Had some fun with this cemetery.. It was only when we were on the ferry
that I realized the group that i was traveling with were all going first to the North end of Sardinia.. oops

Then Saturday in the middle of the island.
So I woke up very early Sunday morning, rode the 3 hours to Cagliari, arrived at the Cemetery at 1:00,
saw the Cemetery would close at 1:30, and had a little argument with the guard who wasn't too happy
about me bringing a camera with me, then run like a mad dog to find the " quartial Inghlese " and do the work.
Then I had to ride all the way back to Olbia, in the north, to catch the ferry home.
If I could do like Coaster Dot, I would make a map showing the roads I had to
take, cause I was completely on the wrong side of Sardinia for most of the trip.