kaetz kaetz:
hmm... many on these forums wouldn't miss speaking french anywhere, never! ask Tricks for ex! LOL
Why? Tu parle Francais?
kaetz kaetz:
and maybe even less people would miss multiculturalism! there are sooo many threads here to prove me right!
What are talking about? Multiculturalism is the best! Come to Poland where every one is White, polish, catholic - and try to live here longer that 3 years... You will know what I meant

kaetz kaetz:
a good apple pie only takes a girlfriend who'd take a recipe from your mom!

Yeah, but not here. I don't like polish pastry
kaetz kaetz:
i heard, they were avowed beauties in Poland... no?
Not in my opinion.

I prefer western girls.
kaetz kaetz:
and well... as for friendliness... Poland is among the last places on earth i would look for it, but then again it's a stereotype! don't be too harsh on me

You are absolutely right! I meant I miss that from Canada.