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PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:59 pm

I am moving in a few months to BC and have an excellent credit history in the USA. Will that be taken into consideration when I am in Canada? Or am I starting over?

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:20 am

That's an excellent question. I'm wondering the same thing myself for when I move to the US.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:31 am

TD bank told us that your US credit is interchangeable with Canada but when you go from Canada to USA it is not. When Robair was in the states, his Canadian credit history, etc did not transfer....he had a hard time buying a truck, getting credit cards, etc. It was like he didn't exist before coming to the ifyou have really crappy credit that might be a good thing.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:53 pm

That interesting, I wonder why it is like this. Is there a different system of tracking credit in Canada? If so, then how come Canada can read American credit?

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:05 pm

Hmm, I think Canada falls under the broad category of a foreign country. The government sadly doesn't make a difference between the credit history of a Canadian and a Vietanamese person.

My advice if you are moving to the US would be to take your credit card statement from the past couple of years with you. This should improve your chances and show that you are reputible in paying your debt.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:14 pm

MichaelJ MichaelJ:
I am moving in a few months to BC and have an excellent credit history in the USA. Will that be taken into consideration when I am in Canada? Or am I starting over?

NO it won't. Period.

I bought a car in the U.S., and had great credit while living in Texas.

I had to rebuild everything, although it only took me 6 months and then the banks up here were begging me to take their money.

Your Social Security and Social Insurance may both have 9 numbers, but they won't match and most credit agencies look at work history here in Canada and stability.

Last edited by tritium on Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:20 pm

lily lily:
That's nothing special, trit - I get those same phone calls. :D

Yeah, no phone calls lily. :wink:

Bank Credit, the real kind.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:39 pm

I remember my mom telling me a story on how she went into GAP and they asked if she wanted a GAP credit card. The lady was amazed that she was approved for a $18000 line of credit.

I ask you, do you really need to spend that much money on jeans?

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:16 pm

lily lily:
They have shirts and socks and stuff too, y'know.

To answer your question - I could easily max out that line of credit in a single shopping trip. ;)

women :roll:

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:28 pm

lily lily:
They have shirts and socks and stuff too, y'know.

To answer your question - I could easily max out that line of credit in a single shopping trip. ;)

Thank god my mom hates shopping as much as I do, which consequently, is the reason why she can get credit for 18k worth of jeans.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:46 pm

dog77_1999 dog77_1999:
lily lily:
They have shirts and socks and stuff too, y'know.

To answer your question - I could easily max out that line of credit in a single shopping trip. ;)

Thank god my mom hates shopping as much as I do, which consequently, is the reason why she can get credit for 18k worth of jeans.

GREAT to hear I'm not the only woman who hates shopping! :-)

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:02 am

usababe usababe:
TD bank told us that your US credit is interchangeable with Canada but when you go from Canada to USA it is not. When Robair was in the states, his Canadian credit history, etc did not transfer....he had a hard time buying a truck, getting credit cards, etc. It was like he didn't exist before coming to the ifyou have really crappy credit that might be a good thing.

Absolutely correct. That happened to me when I moved down to Texas from Saskatchewan over six years ago.

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