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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:56 am

Bright Phoquing Quebec Frenchmen. Pay attention Please.

I will write in English even though I am pure French. Because you shame me at this point in time.

I speak to you as a friend.

Separation may give your language pride a phocking boost, ---- but know one thing for sure.

Separation will separate a ton of wealth from each and every one of you.

Mes’ ami, are you out of your phocking minds?
Think of your children.

English Canada.

Am I correct?


CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Montreal Canadiens
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:01 am


Crisse de tabarnak!!! T'es fou!

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:05 am

FrenchPatriot FrenchPatriot:
Bright Phoquing Quebec Frenchmen. Pay attention Please.

I will write in English even though I am pure French. Because you shame me at this point in time.

I speak to you as a friend.

Separation may give your language pride a phocking boost, ---- but know one thing for sure.

Separation will separate a ton of wealth from each and every one of you.

Mes’ ami, are you out of your phocking minds?
Think of your children.

English Canada.

Am I correct?


Um, separation will mean that the Rest of Canada will stop subsidizing Quebeck and that means Quebeck gets separated from everyone else's wealth.

For Alberta, for instance, there's no real downside to Quebeck separating.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:13 am

Oh goodie! A new playtoy!

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:20 am

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
FrenchPatriot FrenchPatriot:
Bright Phoquing Quebec Frenchmen. Pay attention Please.

I will write in English even though I am pure French. Because you shame me at this point in time.

I speak to you as a friend.

Separation may give your language pride a phocking boost, ---- but know one thing for sure.

Separation will separate a ton of wealth from each and every one of you.

Mes’ ami, are you out of your phocking minds?
Think of your children.

English Canada.

Am I correct?


Um, separation will mean that the Rest of Canada will stop subsidizing Quebeck and that means Quebeck gets separated from everyone else's wealth.

For Alberta, for instance, there's no real downside to Quebeck separating.

I agree with your first. Your last sucks and likely why French Canadians think the English as not worthy of being a political part of.

If Quebec separates, all of Canada loses.

Your remark should be as foolish to any English Canadian who prides himself in being Canadian, as talk of separation should be to French Canadians.

Recant or be seen as quite the fool in my opinion.

Modi Anglais.


P.S. It is Quebec.
Quite the Canadian.
Modi Anglais Stupide.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:43 am

It seems Canada loses either way. Separation will harm both Canada and Quebec lose, Quebec more than Canada. But Canada is already losing by having to bribe Quebec to stay within confederation. At some point that just becomes too much and it's better to bid the adieu.

What part of France are you from?

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:50 am

FrenchPatriot FrenchPatriot:
If Quebec separates, all of Canada loses.

I disagree. If Quebeck separates then the RoC no longer has to maintain bilingualism (while the francophone hypocrites do not), they no longer have to put up with rude behavior in public (which I have seen personally), and they no longer have to subsidize Quebeck while ingrates such as yourself take that money and then sneer at the people giving it to you.

To my point of view, there is no downside to seeing Quebeck leave Canada.

Oh, and don't even think of trying to join the USA. I really don't care how many times the Canadians sack and burn Washington DC, we're not taking Quebeck.

CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:57 am

andyt andyt:
It seems Canada loses either way. Separation will harm both Canada and Quebec lose, Quebec more than Canada. But Canada is already losing by having to bribe Quebec to stay within confederation. At some point that just becomes too much and it's better to bid the adieu.

What part of France are you from?

I'd be surprised if he can speak one word of French.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:23 pm

andyt andyt:
It seems Canada loses either way. Separation will harm both Canada and Quebec lose, Quebec more than Canada. But Canada is already losing by having to bribe Quebec to stay within confederation. At some point that just becomes too much and it's better to bid the adieu.

What part of France are you from?


French Canadian Patriot would have been my preferred choice but shame got in the way. Till English Canada recognizes their mistake and dishonorable actions in causing the present situation, the Canadian is out of my name thanks to shame at my English side.

It would all be ok if English Canada had not insulted the French by screwing Levesque out of his veto power. That insult to the French is why they will never forgive the English treachery and deceit. You foolish English have forgotten that you only fuck a Frenchman once.

English Canada would have the same pride and want nothing to do with the French if the French ever screwed English Canada with treachery and deceit.

Now English Canada will all pay the price. A loose, loose situation.

The French will never stop till they get pay back. English Canada better get used to the political and economic loses that this ongoing idiocy will bring.

Strangely, the Frenchman in me wants the French to screw the English while the Canadian in me knows we would be screwing each other. That aside, the English need to learn morals and the French have decided to teach. They are correct in their position.

English Canada better learn fast, --- or pay the large price for not repenting of their dirty deed. Pay back is a bitch and Canada is now Quebec's bitch.

English. Reap what you sowed. You will learn not screw a Frenchman. They do not take English B. S. in Europe. They will not here either.


CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:26 pm

We cut off da nez to spite da visage, hein!

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:29 pm

FrenchPatriot FrenchPatriot:
andyt andyt:
It seems Canada loses either way. Separation will harm both Canada and Quebec lose, Quebec more than Canada. But Canada is already losing by having to bribe Quebec to stay within confederation. At some point that just becomes too much and it's better to bid the adieu.

What part of France are you from?


French Canadian Patriot would have been my preferred choice but shame got in the way. Till English Canada recognizes their mistake and dishonorable actions in causing the present situation, the Canadian is out of my name thanks to shame at my English side.

It would all be ok if English Canada had not insulted the French by screwing Levesque out of his veto power. That insult to the French is why they will never forgive the English treachery and deceit. You foolish English have forgotten that you only fuck a Frenchman once.

English Canada would have the same pride and want nothing to do with the French if the French ever screwed English Canada with treachery and deceit.

Now English Canada will all pay the price. A loose, loose situation.

The French will never stop till they get pay back. English Canada better get used to the political and economic loses that this ongoing idiocy will bring.

Strangely, the Frenchman in me wants the French to screw the English while the Canadian in me knows we would be screwing each other. That aside, the English need to learn morals and the French have decided to teach. They are correct in their position.

English Canada better learn fast, --- or pay the large price for not repenting of their dirty deed. Pay back is a bitch and Canada is now Quebec's bitch.

English. Reap what you sowed. You will learn not screw a Frenchman. They do not take English B. S. in Europe. They will not here either.



You got the notwithstanding clause, so stop about the veto.

They do not take English BS in Europe... You are right, they are

too busy eating GERMAN BS by the truckload. :P

My guess, this guy is a twit from TVA, who will use this flaming thread
to report back to Quebecers that we all hate them.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:35 pm

andyt andyt:
We cut off da nez to spite da visage, hein!

More like taking a flame thrower to full money bags and then wondering where the wealth went.

This is not really a money issue in any case. It is just a shame that we will all have to pay through the nose. There goes the pension. That is spelled the same in both French and Englis. Mon' ami.


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:38 pm

FrenchPatriot FrenchPatriot:
Now English Canada will all pay the price. A loose, loose situation.

FYI: It's "lose, lose".

'Loose' is what the Frenchman is after we fuck them.

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CKA Moderator
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:40 pm

FrenchPatriot FrenchPatriot:
English. Reap what you sowed. You will learn not screw a Frenchman.

Just me, but I prefer my women to be stronger than most Frenchmen anyway.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:43 pm

DrCaleb DrCaleb:
FrenchPatriot FrenchPatriot:
Now English Canada will all pay the price. A loose, loose situation.

FYI: It's "lose, lose".

'Loose' is what the Frenchman is after we fuck them.

I spell badly in both official languages.

Do you Modi Anglais?

It will be the most expensive fucking you will ever have. Keep smiling. The French have a way of making their orgasms last a long time while yours was premature ejaculation and you got it all over yourself. It was real short. Just like English dicks are.


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