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CKA Super Elite
CKA Super Elite
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Posts: 5321
PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:35 pm

Well they pulled me back in, bought the full version and burning crusade, at least is was on sale..... :mrgreen:

CKA Super Elite
CKA Super Elite
 Vancouver Canucks


Posts: 6642
PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:42 pm

The warchest?

I'm looking to get lich king soon, though the new expansion pack is looking even more intense! 8O

CKA Elite
CKA Elite
 Montreal Canadiens

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Posts: 4117
PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:52 am

Bodah Bodah:
Bacardi4206 Bacardi4206:
As soon as D3 comes out, nobody will be playing WoW anymore ;). Anyways WoW had potential but that monthly fee is too ridiculous for a game that generally has simular gameplay all the time. If I am ever going to play WoW it's going to be on a Private Server. Not as many players but there are a couple servers that are well populated that you wouldn't know the difference and best of all is free.

No offense but complaining about 18 bucks a month is a little petty. You probably spend more on coffee a month at worka month. I dont see the fun of private servers sure its free but I dont see the fun of starting off at lv 80, geared out in epics in an instant and not knowing how to play a class well because people dont start from LV1.

But whatever to each their own.

I'll buy D3 like alot of people, I'll play it then likely go back to wow. Now if Blizzard made a cyberpunk genre MMO with the WOW mechanics that would kill wow. Alot of people are ready for a change of genre.

A lot of people don't run around with pockets full of cash everyday. Complaining about 18 bucks a month is not petty. For the simple fact that you would be combining that 18 per month with all my daily spendings of the things I need such as coffee, food, water, clothes, shoes, rent, etc.

Also if you don't see the fun in private servers that you don't see the fun in WoW. Speaking from experience of going from private server to private server to find the right one for me. Most Private servers come with 2 packages. One server with Blizzard Server settings. Meaning normal XP rates and item drops, etc and another server called "The Fun Server" with faster leveling, better drops and stores in cities with tier items so players can get just right into PVP.

Most Private Server statistically speaking have Blizzard Settings. So if you like Blizzard WoW you would like most Private Servers. The only problem however is that unlike the Blizzard servers the problem is with the population. Seeing how there is so many Private Servers. The Private Server population is spread out between all of them. A couple Private Servers that most people prefer will be highly populated. Nothing like Blizzard but still enough to really not notice or care for the difference. Those servers usually are the ones that include the two Blizzard like Servers and the Fun servers with good admins.

Forum Elite
Forum Elite
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Posts: 1331
PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:55 pm

I have a level 41 Human Pal a level 12 Night elf Pr and a level 7 Night elf hunter.

If anyone want to play let me know, maybe we are even on the same server.

I have only had the game for just over a month, but I love it.

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