Well guys, the story is untypical. Few days ago Verhovna Rada (The parliament of my country) adopted bill about using Soviet Union Flags at the 9-th of May. The problem is that during the last elections, using a lot of shit, mafia in face of ex-prisoner got the power in country. The East Ukraine was always supported by Russia, so Russia pay money to different young organizations, consisted from Russian bulls, like "Russian union" and "Together". They support everything that can destroy country which independance is o nly 20 years. They crash flags, speak Russian, even get Russian citizenship, support communism etc. So according to this new bill, Soviet Union flag was used at the 9-th of may despite of blue-yellow national flag of coutry. The West part of Ukraine ignored this bill and said that at the day of victory, will be only one flag - the flag of Ukraine. As the result, members of those organisation took flag of Soviet Union and arrived from east to west part of Ukraine to it's cultural capital and my native city (I grew up there) - Lviv, by few buses. The youth of the city tried deny them entering the city, but it failed. Here we can see how cops are beating people who are trying to stop communists putting SU flag on the city WW2 memorial. Cops are beating and communists are putting at the same moment. Real democracy. After the putting a flag, they escaped before darkness (Are pissed for their lives). So we can see how government is "So Ukrainian".
The first video is fight near memorial. The second is a fight for entering them to the city. On the third you can see a memorial with Ukrainian flag