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Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:46 pm
Please rate cell phones, coverage, providers and so on.
List the best cell phones for people looking to buy. The better cell phone providers amongst the ''big three''
Surely there are more available but for example:
Telus Rogers Bell
As for myself, my contract is about to end and I am looking at all options right now. Kinda want to know about the better cell phones out there. Also, which provider offers the better plans and service.
Posts: 4247
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:55 pm
Rogers blows and they're real dicks if you ever owe them money, even if you're only a little bit late. Add to that their coverage sucks.
Telus and Bell are identical as far as service coverage goes but if you work at remote locations (ie, oilfield, forestry) go with Telus because the temp towers are all ways Telus. Bell has a better seletion of phones, however with Telus you can actually get a better rate if you haggle with them and threaten to move over to Bell. For your first contract only sign a one year deal, you may get a crappy phone or if you like you'll have to pay extra for the phone but at the end of the contract (after 9 months or so) you can again haggle with them for a really good phone for free and the better rate thing I mentioned above. Also, only sign on to the lowest plan, you can upgrade and then down grade after at any time if you like. If you sign onto a expensive plan then your stuck with it and you can only upgrade.
*one other thing, if you have a GM or Chev with onstar you may want to go with bell because you can use your Bell minutes with onstar at no additional cost.
Posts: 35263
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:00 pm
In BC I assume?
Cover telus has the best unless your in a city then Rogers is better. Bell sucks hind tit.
Customer service, they are all poor but what can you do?
Handsets, GSM is Rogers CDMA is Telus and Bell. CDMA is huge in North America and Korea and hardly any place else. You travel a lot GSM is more flexible but in Canada/US CDMA has better rural cover.
CKA Uber
Posts: 50938
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:02 pm
It depends on what you want. I am with Virgin and I have a prepaid. Their service is great, they use the Bell towers, so the coverage is the same as Bell's.
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:30 pm
I sincerly appreciate the info. Really I do. Right now I am with Telus. I have been satisfied for the years I have been with them. But last month I have been contesting some charges. The agents that I have spoken to simply cannot do much of anything. Although, its not so much about the money more than the issue. It's a bit upsetting that's all. At the same time, people talk. I have heard some about Bell and its customer service being less than satisfactory. Others say that Rogers isn't fairing any better. Other than that, doesn't seem like there is much competition out there. Few smaller providers throughout the country but that's it.
CKA Uber
Posts: 50938
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:49 pm
Canada is the worst country in the world when it comes to cell phones. Expensive, no competition, it sucks, basicly. They got a lot to improve as far as I am concerned.
Posts: 14139
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:27 pm
Fuck cellphones. When I'm not home, I don't wanna yap on the phone lol. I can barely stand the phone in my home 
Posts: 35263
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 8:26 pm
PimpBrewski123 PimpBrewski123: The agents that I have spoken to simply cannot do much of anything. Although, its not so much about the money more than the issue. It's a bit upsetting that's all. What issue, tech or billing? Telus has been taking a beating and they are getting desperate to keep customers more so then the other two so you can really haggle with them but once you sign your ass is theirs. Bell is big out east but in BC they consider this a write off so they are not as invested here. Rogers has better sets but that's because there simply is more GSM models and manufactures then CDMA ones. The rules of supply and demand are in GSM's favor and if rogers could charge you higher rates they would and generally do unless there is a huge protest like what happened when the Iphone launched in Canada. I won't go back to telus, I loved my nokia but hated the customer service and the locking policy by telus that made a good smart phone an expensive brick.
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:56 am
Scape Scape: PimpBrewski123 PimpBrewski123: The agents that I have spoken to simply cannot do much of anything. Although, its not so much about the money more than the issue. It's a bit upsetting that's all. What issue, tech or billing? Telus has been taking a beating and they are getting desperate to keep customers more so then the other two so you can really haggle with them but once you sign your ass is theirs. Bell is big out east but in BC they consider this a write off so they are not as invested here. Rogers has better sets but that's because there simply is more GSM models and manufactures then CDMA ones. The rules of supply and demand are in GSM's favor and if rogers could charge you higher rates they would and generally do unless there is a huge protest like what happened when the Iphone launched in Canada. I won't go back to telus, I loved my nokia but hated the customer service and the locking policy by telus that made a good smart phone an expensive brick. The billing part of it. They charged for over 700 Web pages visted and don't have a package for it. So anyone can imagine that it increase significantly the monthly total. The thing is that there is no real proof either way. Simply put, they are exaggerating a bit. Also, upon talking to some customer service representative, tried to get some resonable explanation. Pretty much got the ''don't care'' attitude. Supposed to say nothing at all and simply pay. Even spoke to a manager, nothing. Even tried to mention that I could look elsewhere upon contract renewal, Notta!! 
Posts: 35263
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:10 am
Yep, and here is the thing... network data costs the provider nothing just like sms messages as the network is already up. However, if they don't charge they give up a huge profit and since all the providers do they don't want to set precedent. The thing the Canadian carriers refuse to understand is that they are only holding themselves back by this nickel and diming as people will not want to sign or renew with them. They are effectively retarding growth and holding the market hostage meanwhile markets like Japan are now going on to 5G tech.
All I can recommend is that you cite examples of customers who had large data bills and had them written off.
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:39 am
Oh well, after some search on the net, seems like there are several complaints about each one of the providers, mostly the ''big three'' as they call it. Telus, Rogers & Bell.
Then again, if I don't pay, they will probably cut off service. Annul the contract will generate a outrageous fee.
Might as well pay and later look at my options, stay with Telus or change provider, when time comes for contract renewal.
Posts: 35263
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:13 pm
That's what happens when you deal with a cabal instead of a free market.
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:46 pm
On a merrier note. There are some interesting phones out in the market. Are there some smart phones better than others? I-Phone obviously has great reviews but can only be obtained through Rogers. Although, not sure if true or not but heard somewhere that Telus is in negotiation so they can offer it. There are also some new releases from Blackberry, Samsung, HTC and others. Perhaps there might have been a thread on this, but cannot find it. Some commented on review sites that there are some internet related issues amongst some of these types of cell phones.
Posts: 35263
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:08 pm
http://www.phonescoop.com/Great site to check out and compare. Iphone exclusivity agreement with AT&T is going to run out soon and when it does Verizon will get a CDMA version of the Iphone and there is talk that Verizon is going to offer an ipod only version of the Iphone to skirt around the exclusivity clause and have an ipod that is effectively a voip phone. It's sad reality the best network in the US is Version and they use the old CDMA towers and a lot of people unlock the Iphone and just get a dataplan with Verizon just so they can get coverage because AT&T has such horrible service and cover. When that switch happens in the US it will also happen here. As for smart phones themselves Iphone is great but has limits but can be jail broken and then you can run the phone as you want it and not how apple says you must. For example you can't run apps in the background in Iphone but you can on the palm-pre but a jailbroken Iphone can. There are drawbacks to a jailbreak inn that the phone becomes inherently less stable and the battery get's used up faster because your using it more. Expect to reboot as routine if you jailbreak but you will get more use out of it. Blackberry makes amazing phones and if a physical keyboard is a must then you should defiantly check them out. The browser is dated but stable, tried and true. They are primarily suited as business email phones with everything else built around that. The Palm-Pre and the Nokia N97 are the phones that best compare currently to the Iphone until the new android phones come out. Android is the new open source OS for cell phones and once it is on the market on a phone that has decent hardware the market will really open up as the other carriers will have to compete with something that works well and offers apps for free. I'm very happy with my Iphone 3G 8 gig. They are $99 now and although the 3Gs is faster, has more storage and has a video it's still the same phone. I watch movies, all my shows and listen to hours of music on it. Texting is a breeze and they is always something new with the phone at the app store or in Itunes. My plan with Rogers costs $50 a month and I have never had problems with coverage or unexpected overage charges as any data I need on the phone is covered by my free wi-fi or just syncing to itunes. It's still nice to have some data for google maps though.
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:52 pm
Bell's customer service sucks. I mean, it really sucks.
I've been with telus for a while and never had a problem.
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