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CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 42160
PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:56 pm ... -1.4123438

Animal protection officers in Prince Albert, Sask., are investigating after children attempted to light two kittens on fire last week.

According to the Prince Albert SPCA, someone saw a group of children in a park throwing one-week old kittens in the air.

The person managed to rescue one of the five kittens and take it to the SPCA, while the children fled with the rest. The children were described as being between the ages of seven and 12.

Animal protection officers then began searching for the remaining kittens. Bylaw officers tracked down one kitten and two more found their way to the shelter late in the evening after further abuse.

"One of the adults in the neighbourhood had convinced the kids to bring the kittens in," said Liana Moloney, manager of the Prince Albert SPCA.

"They were trying to light them on fire with lighters and matches."

She said one kitten suffered blisters on its feet, and the kittens' fur is singed.

"It didn't burn their skin, just their feet, thank goodness," she said.


Too often I've seen or heard of animals abused and tortured like this. Then again the way they treat each other I can comprehend why they are so lacking in empathy or compassion. This is a type of damage that is almost always irreversible, and often those afflicted commit worse crimes, like setting people on fire.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 New York Rangers
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Posts: 11234
PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:34 am

I had something like that happen to me in a town in Park Ridge NJ, I was a kid in a barber shop with my mother and the young son of the barber rushed in right after a fight. Some JO kids had doused a kitten with Cigarette lighter fluid and were going to set on fire for fun. This kid punched the did in the face kicked in the gonads grabbed the kitten and ran like hell.

My mother being my mother adopted the kitten instantly. We has Sam for about 10 years. He was a wonderful Cat.

Thank you Peter for saving my Sam.

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