Durandal Durandal:
poquas poquas:
I find that much more believable than any organized religion's creationist hokum
Yeah sure... « evolution is science and creation is religion »... nah that's science-fiction.
Man, Atheists who accuse Christians of being « deluded » and « non-rational » while at the same time use extra-terrestrials to fill holes in their darwinist theory are just
pissingly funny.
and of course that also makes your topic headline more than a little dishonest.
No sorry, he says it clearly : « very evolved » E.T.'s invented our « ancestors » and planted them on planet earth. In other words : he is an idiot.
I wish I had a transcript so I could bold out to you where Stein sets up the question "How do you
suppose ID could happen" to which Dawkins replied " It
could come about like this..."
No to mention he says about 3 times, no one knows how life was started. Mind you this is a documentery from over a year ago, there have been several advances in Abiogenesis since this trash hit the small screen.