EyeBrock EyeBrock:
Monkeyman Monkeyman:
i don't know if I agree with cops having these type weapons. All experiences point to over use and dangerous outcomes.
How many people have died at the hands of police officers using tazers?
They are given these things and told they are harmless.. if your subject isn't obeying you, give em a zap... that'll teach em.
And yet another educated and informed view.
Hate to say, I'm a reserve LEO and I agree with what he said. Because the taser and pepper spray are less-than-lethal there's a much higher incidence of cops using them in questionable situations than with firearms.
I cannot even begin to tell you of the endless number of people who have been tazed or pepper sprayed while cuffed and even fully restrained as in a restraint chair. There's no excuse for this kind of abuse yet it gets a pass way too often.