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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 33561
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:28 pm

Well, I'd like to be the one to point out that anti-liberal ideas aren't necessarily the problem with these right-wing commentators and politicians. Hell, most of the time anti-liberal ideas are the correct thing to promote and it'd be a nice change if genuine conservative policy made a comeback someday. The problem with these people all comes down to the unhinged hate with which they promote themselves and attack "the enemy" with. You wanna tell me in a rational way that Barack Obama is going to be a bad president? Fine, go ahead. Give me your ideas presented in a rational manner and I might listen to you. If your argument is sound and logical I might even change gears and not support him come next election time. But don't come out with a bunch of gobbledygook about the "Hussein" part of his name meaning he's a terrorist, or that his birth certificate is still missing, or that he's gonna take away all my guns, or that the teaparties are anything more than braindead griping from people who never said a bad word against the government when George Bush was running the country into the ground, or that we gotta start the next revolution Turner Diaries-style against the "gummint" right now before we end up like Soviet Russia. You do that and all you've done is convince me, and probably millions of other non-partisan anti-ideology moderates, that you're full-blown batshit, that you're not worth me wasting any of my time listening to you about anything and, by virtue of your obvious craziness, that Barack Obama is probably doing a pretty damn good job so far if he's got all the freakshow nutters out on the furthest part of the fringe freaking out so feverishly.

And, if you really want to be taken seriously, try to hitch your cause to a better star than creatures like Sarah Palin. Keep choosing leaders like that and all you'll end up doing is convincing normal folks to keep the doors locked and windows drawn whenever you come around to play.

CKA Super Elite
CKA Super Elite
 Montreal Canadiens

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Posts: 7835
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:54 pm

Thanos Thanos:
Well, I'd like to be the one to point out that anti-liberal ideas aren't necessarily the problem with these right-wing commentators and politicians. Hell, most of the time anti-liberal ideas are the correct thing to promote and it'd be a nice change if genuine conservative policy made a comeback someday.

Agreed so far...but after this point I just get totally confused.

You wanna tell me in a rational way that Barack Obama is going to be a bad president? Fine, go ahead. Give me your ideas presented in a rational manner and I might listen to you. If your argument is sound and logical I might even change gears and not support him come next election time.

I'm sure people can, and even I could, if I bothered to care. The issue as of this moment isn't really Obama, is it? I thought it was about the whole "Hate Fuck" List made by Playboy?

But don't come out with a bunch of gobbledygook about the "Hussein" part of his name meaning he's a terrorist, or that his birth certificate is still missing, or that he's gonna take away all my guns,

Which I honestly don't see any different from the whole Texas National Guard thing, or that Bush was once an alcoholic when he was in university, or that Bush is a baby killer/war criminal blah blah blah. There are idiots on both sides.

or that the teaparties are anything more than braindead griping from people who never said a bad word against the government when George Bush was running the country into the ground,

I didn't realize Bush ran the United States in the ground (And don't bother mentioning the economy, the executive level of the United States federal government has little control of the economy). Anyway, once again, you can say that these same war protesters didn't lift a finger when Clinton did shit in Kosovo either, that's the amazing thing about ideologies, people are blind to the faults of their own.

And, if you really want to be taken seriously, try to hitch your cause to a better star than creatures like Sarah Palin. Keep choosing leaders like that and all you'll end up doing is convincing normal folks to keep the doors locked and windows drawn whenever you come around to play.

I never understood this either, apart from her religious beliefs. But for the most part, people's religious beliefs stay out of their positions in government, and I don't see her religious beliefs any different from the "Black Theology" of Obama's church either.

Anyway, back to the issue at hand. This article is pretty disgusting and low, but anybody who can defend the article is probably even worse. I agree with both Pseudonym and travior, you can't stop people from being disgusting, best to just ignore them

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 23082
PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 5:32 am

I didn't realize Bush ran the United States in the ground (And don't bother mentioning the economy, the executive level of the United States federal government has little control of the economy). Anyway, once again, you can say that these same war protesters didn't lift a finger when Clinton did shit in Kosovo either, that's the amazing thing about ideologies, people are blind to the faults of their own.

What a great point.

Let's compare a conflict where an actual genocide is taking place (Kosovo), with another which was nothing more than a grudge match (Iraq). Pretty much the whole reason for war against Iraq was that they were seconds away from having WMD, not beause Saddam was perpertrating a genocide (which admittedly he had in the past). Kosovo in 1999 was undertaken to stop an ongoing genocide by Serbians against an ethnic minority. Was there ethnic cleansing or a genocide occurring when the Coalition of the Willing showed up in 2003? Nope.

Apples and Oranges...

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