Canadian Reviews

Night at the Museum Review

Ben Stiller, in my opinion, is one of Hollywood�s best comedic actors. He was fantastic in Meet the Parents, Along came Polly, etc. So I was really excited to go see Night at the Museum last week.


Ben Stiller stars as Larry Daley, a down and out inventor whose inventions (the Snapper � like the Clapper) haven�t been successful. On the verge of getting evicted from his apartment and possibly losing custody of his son, he gets a job at the Natural History Museum. The museum has everything, from a giant T-Rex skeleton to an Egyptian display to stuffed animals and historic figures.


He�begins work as a night watchman at the museum. He settles in for a boring night, dozing off at the front desk. He awakes in the middle of the night to see that the T-Rex is gone. He searches for it, only to find it drinking water from a fountain. It chases him down and, well, you have to see the movie to find out what happens next. Needless to say, Larry�s first night is one of dodging African Lions, Attila the Hun and chatting with Teddy Roosevelt.


The movie is funny, but I felt quite predictable. It was good but not great. Robin Williams does a pretty good job as Teddy Roosevelt and Owen Wilson has his moments as Jedediah the Cowboy. The most surprising work was done by Dick van Dyke and Mickey Rooney, two of the former night watchmen. �


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Added: January 12th 2007
Reviewer bootlegga
Related Link: Night at the Museum offiical website
Hits: 3102

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