Canadian Reviews

The Love Guru Review

Mike Myers stars as Pitka, an American who was abandoned at the gates of an ashram in India. After being raised by a guru, he moves to the USA to seek fame and fortune as a self help guru. Constantly playing second fiddle to Deepak Chopra, he seeks to gain a guest spot on Oprah, believing that will secure him bragging rights in the self-help market. He must use his unorthodox methods to help Toronto Maple Leaf Darren Roanoke (Romany Malco) deal with his estranged wife, who is currently dating LA King goalie Jacques Grande (Justin Timberlake).
Despite all the critics who have savaged this movie, it isn’t all bad. Essentially, he has re-packaged Austin Powers as Pitka. Austin Powers was filled with penis jokes, gags about bodily functions and oddly named characters. Really, what’s the difference between Alotta Fagina and Tuggingmypuddha? Even Min-me (Verne Troyer) is along for the ride. The only real difference is that the subject matter allows Myers to ridicule other institiutions like Bollywood, self-help counseling and a host of other silly topics.
I saw the premiere and I thought it was very funny and equal to the Austin Powers movies. If you were a fan of those movies, then you’ll likely enjoy this one too. If, like many critics, you do not enjoy low borw comedy, then you won’t enjoy this either.


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Added: June 24th 2008
Reviewer bootlegga
Related Link: Official website
Hits: 4509

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