The good news is, �Star Wars: Episode III � Revenge of the Sith� is better than the last two Star Wars films; the bad news, it�s still sucks compared to �Star Wars� and �Empire Strikes Back.� That said, George Lucas� final installment in the Star Wars series was able to instill some exciting punch back into the complex story, even though the performances are shoddy and the special effects not particularly exciting.
After the Famous gold letters on the screen part, The movie starts us off in the middle of a battle over Coruscant. Jedi Knights Anakin(Hayden Christensen) and Obi-Wan(Ewan McGregor) are after the Seperatist General Grievous, who has kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine(Ian McDiarmid). A brief space fight followed by an even briefer lightsaber scene made the opening feel rushed. And Before you know it, Count Dooku(Christopher Lee) is dead faster than you can say plot holes.
So they return home, and Anakin starts having nightmares of Padme(Natalie Portman) dying in child birth. Because of the dreams he had about his mother dying, he sees these new dreams as prophetic. Anakin goes to Palpatine because he believes he is the only one who can save Padme. So Palpatine feeds Anakin lies and promises from the Dark Side. And so, in two shakes and a snap, Anakin turns on the Jedi and helps the Empire rise to power. This leads to Yoda and Obi-Wan being exiled from Coruscant, the hiding of the twins Luke and Leia, and Anakins transformation into Darth Vader with the incredibly corny "NOOOO!!!" scene. This whole area of the movie was rushed and some parts were even completely random. But it did yield an excellently done lightsaber scene.
The obvious problem with "Revenge of the Sith"is that we already know what�s going to happen, yet amazingly, Lucas manages to move it along energetically enough to avoid boredom. Having said that, the dialogue was extremely cheesy and simplistic. The movie went all over the place and just felt too rushed for it to be a truly good movie.
Let's all just hope that someone doesn't get the idea to make Episodes seven, eight, and nine.
Sorry all fans but this last episode is the worst. Just a far-fetched story to complete the suga. The biggest disaster is acting. If Lukas was planning to make drama he screwed big time or even more if he planned to create an action movie. To far far from original episodes. it is a pity
George Lucas has lost the "plot"
This should go down into the anals of movie history as one of the
worst movies of all time
Episode 7.8. and 9 would be Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. There were ALWAYS 9 movies planned from the original concept. A series of 3 trilogies. My Star Wars Fan Club newsletter told me so when I was 13 years old lol.
Whether the movies got made depended on the success or lack thereof of the first movie. As I remember, it did o.k.