Canadian Reviews

Fun with Dick and Jane Review

The premise of the movie is pretty basic, a white collar worker (Carrey) in a high tech company, Globodyne, is promoted and, when the company implodes ala Enron, he loses his life bit by bit, from his expensive car to his manicured lawn to his furniture.

He spends months looking for work and finally gets an interview after having given up on finding anything. It turns out to be one of the funniest scenes in the whole movie. After that disappointment, he lowers his standards and goes off to work for a Walmart/Costco type company and is promptly fired. A stint as a migrant labourer follows and so on. After a while, he comes up with the idea to knock off a convenience store to make his mortgage payment.

Eventually he finds his ex-boss (Alec Baldwin) and tries to swindle him out of his ill-gotten riches while he was Globodyne�s CEO.

Jim Carrey does as good a job as possible with the rather weak script. Tea Leoni doesn�t add much to the movie, although she does show she can do physical comedy (though not as well as the master, Carrey). Many of the funny scenes were in the trailer for the movie, so it is a little disappointing that there isn�t more humour in the movie.

This was, all in all, not a bad film, just not up to what is to be expected of Carrey. If you�re looking for a laugh, I�d recommend waiting until it goes to the cheap theatres.


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Added: December 21st 2005
Reviewer bootlegga
Hits: 2404

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  1. Posted by usababe
    2006-06-21 16:26:54
    my score: was okay.
  2. Posted by maple_leaf1
    2006-01-05 19:08:49
    my score:
    Gotta love Jim Carrey!
  3. Posted by Ice_man
    2006-01-01 08:51:29
    my score:

    We went to see the movie yesterday afternoon just to kill time before the New Year''s Eve parties started.  I was pleasantly surprised.  It is not academy award material but it is certainly funny.  If you need a good laugh this is a good one.  Worth the $5.50...Keep your stick on the ice.

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